How to operate and what are the steps for creating variants of Amazon's existing products


Author:Blue Ocean Yiguan
Source: egainnews

Amazon variant listingyesAmazon SellerAnd customers. The variant is in aAmazon Product Details PageIt provides potential buyers with various product options, simplifying the search process and shopping experience.

Variants can enable sellers to generate more sales, thereby improving ROI, andAmazon Search ResultsTo make the ranking higher. Many sellers will ask how toAmazon listingAdd a variant on the as follows.

1、 How to add a variant to the existing Amazon listing?

oneBlue Ocean Yiguan has learned that,To create aAmazon Variant, you need to enter the Seller Central homepage, and select Manage Inventory from the drop-down menu of the Inventory tab.

twoSelect the Product for which you want to create a variant, click the drop-down menu on the right that is consistent with the item to copy the listing, and select copy listing.

threeWhen you reach the important information page, go to the Variations tab.

fourOn“Variation ThemeVariant Theme, select the variant to be added to the product listing. For example, different sizes.

fiveList all variation details and click Add Variations.

sixIndicate size andSKU。 Select item condition and set the price and quantity. The seller can add the product ID later.

sevenClick "save&finish" when finished.

eightAmazon sellers should see a pop-up window indicating that the change has been confirmed. Under status, the seller should see a variation.

2、 What are the benefits of using Amazon variants?

oneIncrease sales

Different options are displayed on the listing of Amazon products, simplifying the shopping process for customers. They no longer need to search for the size, flavor or color they want, because these options can be displayed in a listing.

Amazon variants canLet customers find new products they didn't know before

For example, suppose a brand that sells pink and gray bed sheets ranks well in Amazon's search results, brings a lot of traffic and attracts a lot of buyers, while gray bed covers do not.

These buyers don't even know about grey sheets. When the seller uses Amazon variants, Amazon immediately positions the gray sheets as "an additional choice for customers who already like pink sheets", which helps generate more sales and promote demand.

twoIncrease the visibility of each sub listing

When a seller matches a lower performance or new product with a higher performance product, Amazon variants can make it easier for potential customers to find the product.

For example, suppose the seller wants to sell a new spray product. Unlike creating a new product listing without comments, sellers can simply add the new product as a variant to the existing Spring

threeCombine comments of each sub listing

How to operate and what are the steps to create a variant of Amazon's existing products

As mentioned earlier, when a seller adds a new variant listing to the existing Amazon comment listing, it will greatly help the seller improve the ranking and visibility. No matter what variant type the customer ultimately purchases, all lists are under the same parent listing, and the comments of variant listing will increase.

fourIncrease natural search ranking based on sales history

According to Blue Ocean Yiguan,The overall sales history of variant listing will improve Amazon sellers'Best Seller RankAnd natural search ranking, because every sale made on parent child listing, no matter which variant, will be included in the sales history.

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