Merama, an e-commerce brand purchaser, focuses on the Latin American market, with an annual valuation of 1.2 billion dollars!


Author:Blue Ocean Yiguan
Source: egainnews

Merama, an e-commerce brand purchaser of cross-border e-commerce platform, focuses on the Latin American market, with an annual valuation of 1.2 billion dollars!

lately,Latin America e-commerce brand purchaserIt seems to have been "favored" by capital, and many acquirers have successfully financed.

For example, Quinio, a Latin American e-commerce brand purchaser, recently announced that it had obtained a first round investment of 20 million dollars and planned to acquire about 30 digital brand enterprises.

Another exampleMeramaIt is also a company mainly engaged in the acquisition and launch of Latin American digital brand business. Its headquarters are in Mexico and Brazil. In September this year, it successfully completed round B financing, with a financing amount of 225 million dollars. At that time, it raised the company's valuation to 850 million dollars.

Moreover, Merama said that this is the largest round B financing ever in Latin America.

Now it has received additional investment from the round B investors, Advent International and Softbank, with an investment amount of 60 million dollars.

After obtaining additional investment,Merama's valuation has risen to $1.2 billion, you know, this companyIt is only 12 months old.

With financing of 160 million dollars, Merama entered the e-commerce field

According to statistics, the cumulative financing amount of Merama has reached $445 million.

In fact, although Merama has been established for 12 months, it only obtained seed round and A round financing of debt equity combination of $160 million in April this year, and then entered the e-commerce field.

So, in fact, Merama has been exploring in the e-commerce industry for less than a year.

However, BlueOcean Yiguan learned that Merama now has more than 180 employees,It has 20 e-commerce/digital brands covering Mexico, Brazil, Chile, Colombia and Peru.

There are also some well-known brands, such as Mexican consumer electronics brand Redlemon and Chilean baby products seller brand Bebesit.

In addition, Merama expects that this year's commodity sales will exceed 250 million dollars, greatly improving the cash flow situation.

MeramaAccording to the co-founder and current CEO,Latin America is the region with the fastest growth of e-commerce in the world. Its current scale is 85 billion dollars, and it is expected to reach 116.2 billion dollars in 2023

However, CEO of Merama also said that there are not many e-commerce brands in the region, especially few well-known brands. Even if there are many "new brands", they are still in the embryonic stage. However, in the next five years, Latin America is believed to be able to cultivate a number of e-commerce brands worth billions of dollars.

Blueocean Yiguan learned that Merama not only acquired digital e-commerce brands, but also developed and launched its ownAutomation and Scalability ToolsTo help the company grow and expand in Latin America.

MeramaWe are building brand management automation and supply chain automation technology, and intend to monetize this technology in the future.

The latest round of financing enables Merama toExpand business to Argentina and the United States.

MeramaWhat is the difference between Thrasio and Perch?

In recent years, global e-commerce brand acquirers have received more attention than in the past. Some of the most successful acquirers have often received billions of dollars in financing.

In addition to the Merama and Quinio mentioned above, Nebula Brands, headquartered in Beijing, also received 50 million yuan of financing this week.

Previously, Gravitiq, an acquirer focusing on health care brands, and Heyday completed round C financing of $555 million.

One of the giants of e-commerce brand acquirersThrasioIn October this year, the financing amount was up to 1 billion dollarsPerchIn May of this year, it also obtained a high amount of financing of 775 million dollars.

He said that Merama is different from Thrasio, Perch and other peers. Because Latin America is a growing e-commerce market, Merama only focuses on a small number of brands, but more on the scale and expansion of brands. Its goal is not to integrate hundreds of e-commerce brands, but to create a single category leader in each major e-commerce category.

It is understood that Merama will also use a new round of financing to launch Merama Labs, which is the first DTC brand incubator in Latin America. The incubator will build DTC brands in the categories of fashion, beauty, supplements and beverages.

(New media of cross-border e-commerce - Domainnews Riley Huang)Coupang, Wayfair, Wal Mart, Mercado Libre and other platforms settled, brand copywriting planning, whole network promotion, e-commerce training and incubationAnd other services,Please contact us. No unauthorizedRewriting, reprinting, copying, clipping and editingIn whole or in part.

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