GBC acts as the agent of popular animation IP, with 3 consecutive cases involving trademark copyright infringement


Author:Blue Ocean Yiguan
Source: egainnews

CNOOC GBC acts as the agent of popular animation IP, with 3 consecutive cases involving trademark copyright infringement

GBCThe law firm recently represented a brand rights protection case of popular animation IP, with 3 consecutive cases involvingtrademarkAndCopyright infringementQuestion.BlueyIt is a popular animation in the world, produced by Ludo Studio and produced byBBC Studios and ABC Children'sCo produced.

BlueyanimationstayYouTubeIt is also available in French, Spanish, Danish and English,More than 950000 subscribers

Relevant products are also selling well, according toAmazonAnd seller wizard data,BlueyBrand products in doll sets, pre-school dolls, etcToysIn the subcategory, it always ranks within the top 10, with scores of more than 4.5 for several products, and the sales of one product in the past 30 days is close to 800000.

GBC acts as a hot animation IP agent for cross-border shipping, with 3 consecutive cases involving trademark copyright infringement

GBC, an e-commerce platform, acts as an agent for popular animation IP, and three consecutive cases involving trademark copyright infringement

Cross border e-commerce logistics GBC agent hot animation IP, 3 consecutive cases, involving trademark copyright infringement

ICase parameters

oneCase No.: 21-cv-6526, 6528, 6531

twoTime of prosecution: 2021December 7th

threePlaintiff brand:Bluey

fourPlaintiff Company:BBC Studios Distribution Ltd

fiveAgency Firm:GBC

sixRight protection type: trademark+Copyright

IICase information

According to the Yiguan Cross border Infringement Warning, GBC sent 3 consecutive cases, representingThere may be many infringing sellers of this animation related brand.

GBC acts as a hot animation IP agent for cross-border shipping, with 3 consecutive cases involving trademark copyright infringement

1. Trademark infringement

According to the data of the United States Patent OfficeBLUEYLudo Studio Pty Ltd of Bruy Animation has registered five trademarks, which must not be used by sellers:

GBC acts as a hot animation IP agent for cross-border shipping, with 3 consecutive cases involving trademark copyright infringement

Among them, the most easily infringed isBLUEYText trademark,According to Uspto,The trademark registration categories include022、023、028、038、050、042、024、001、003、004、006、051、052

Among them, sellers selling toys and game products, textile products, cosmetics and cleaning agents should pay special attention not to touchBLUEYText trademark,The product title description and other places cannot appearBLUEYText trademark, with unique style in the above figureBLUEYDon't use words and patterns,No infringement.

However, in fact, fewer infringing sellers use the following pattern, and more sellers use it in the listing title“BLUEY”,And putBLUEYThe cartoon image of the animation is printed on the product.

GBC acts as a hot animation IP agent for cross-border shipping, with 3 consecutive cases involving trademark copyright infringement

GBC, a cross-border e-commerce platform, acts as an agent for popular animation IP, and three consecutive cases involving trademark copyright infringement

Seagoing GBC acted as the agent of popular animation IP, with 3 consecutive cases involving trademark copyright infringement

B2bGBC agent popular animation IP, 3 consecutive cases, involving trademark copyright infringement

BLUEYThe animation will beBlueyThe daily life story of a family of fourinThe classic blue puppy image is also registered as a trademark, whose registration categories include009、021、023、026、036、038。 That is to say, this puppy pattern must not appear on glasses, sunglasses, 3D glasses, mobile phone cases and accessories, mobile phone chargers, mobile phone straps and other products, otherwise it will be considered as infringement.

GBC, a cross-border e-commerce agency, has been acting as a hot animation IP agent, with 3 consecutive cases involving trademark copyright infringement

In addition,A word trademark recently registered by the plaintiff company isWACKADOOThe registered categories include 002, 014, 027, 028 and 050, mainly for infringement of precious metals and jewelry products.

Seagoing GBC acted as the agent of popular animation IP, with 3 consecutive cases involving trademark copyright infringement

2. Copyright infringement

In addition to the trademark, the plaintiff company also registered relevant copyright, as shown in the figure:

B2bGBC agent popular animation IP, 3 consecutive cases, involving trademark copyright infringement

According to the Yiguan Cross border Infringement Warning,BLUEYCartoon characters of animation are allCopyright,Copyright lawsuits can be filed regardless of category. Therefore, sellers should pay attention to self inspection, and remove from the shelves as soon as possible if there is infringement. The following specific animation images must not be used:

CNOOC GBC acts as the agent of popular animation IP, with 3 consecutive cases involving trademark copyright infringement

Seagoing GBC acted as the agent of popular animation IP, with 3 consecutive cases involving trademark copyright infringement

GBC, a cross-border e-commerce agency, has been acting as a hot animation IP agent, with 3 consecutive cases involving trademark copyright infringement

GBC, an e-commerce platform, acts as an agent for popular animation IP, and three consecutive cases involving trademark copyright infringement

GBC Law FirmThe agent's case isAfter the case is filed,Usually half a monthaboutIt will start to freeze. The law firm may also place an order to purchase products in the infringing seller's shop, leaving evidence. The seller should timely conduct self inspection and remove relevant products.

3、 Example of trademark infringement

On platforms such as AliExpress and eBay, there are many sellers who infringe upon the rights and sellPlush toys, dolls, stickers, packaging materials, clothingThe largest number of infringing sellers. Like the doll below, its listing title uses the Bluey text trademark, which is obviously infringing.

GBC acts as a hot animation IP agent for cross-border shipping, with 3 consecutive cases involving trademark copyright infringement

The listing of this clothing product is not only a trademark infringement, but also a copyright infringement. This sweater is printed withBlueyThe cartoon image in the animation belongs to copyright infringement, and Bluey text trademark is also used in the title.

GBC, an e-commerce platform, acts as an agent for popular animation IP, and three consecutive cases involving trademark copyright infringement

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