The Etsy seller was suspended from sales. Was it the competitors who played tricks on her?


Author:Blue Ocean Yiguan
Source: egainnews

The Etsy seller of Sailing Info was suspended from sales. Was it the competitor who was behind the scenes?

EtsyThe competition is getting fiercer and fiercer. Some sales of handmade knickknacksJewelleryandHousewear & FurnishingsofEtsyseller, accusing their competitors of using dirty tactics, which caused the sellers to suffer huge losses.

IThe seller of Etsy accessories was suspended from selling and the store was closed

Blue Ocean Yiguan has learned that,In the past month, Elyza DavisA post on TikTok received 43000 "likes", she claimed in her post that her competitors said sheInfringed copyright,Related magic themed festival decorationsListing is suspended,hersEtsyThe shop "Scorpio Moon Rising" was also closed.

Elyza Davis saidIts competitor is MimAndTheAnvil, the seller of Etsy store, who has registered the trademark of "fair orbs fairy magic ball".Elyza Davis thinksThis has nothing to do with her $8 to $12 "spell balls", which are filled with herbs, amulets and other magic themed gadgets.

according toWashington PostIt is reported that this happened during the festival, which means that the seller's productsUSPSThere may not be enough time to sell before the Christmas delivery deadline.

Elyza Davis is trying to resume sales. Etsy suspended the seller's jewelry sales on November 9 and didn't let them go back on the shelves until November 24.

IIThe notice of Etsy's off shelf products jumped by 60%

According to Etsy's website, according to the latest data available, Etsy's"Take down notices" jumped by 60% in 2020And reached more than 54000.

Takedowns proliferate around Thanksgiving and Christmas. This is usuallyCompetitors try to block sellers' sales in various ways.

JustEtsyAs far as it is concerned, it seems to strictly comply with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, or DMCA for short.This may cause Etsy to delete the seller's goods in the unconfirmed unilateral complaint.

According to the Washington Post, Etsy once said that abusing the notice or other policies may lead to the seller being permanently blocked.

IIIIs the competitor behind the copyright complaint?

1. Even if someone counterfeits a brand and complains about the seller's copyright infringement, the product may be taken off the shelves. A seller once put an owl key chain on the shelves, but someone complained about itInfringed the copyright of Harry Potter, causing the product to be taken off the shelves.

The seller said that although this is indeed an owl key chain, and there is indeed an owl in Harry Potter, the similarity is just that.Harry Potter is not mentioned in the seller's listing/tags.

Allegedly, the complaint came from a representative of Warner Media, the publisher of Harry Potter. But another seller who is also markedRedditThe representative saidThey did not file a complaint against Etsy.

At the same time, the sellers targeted by the false complaints said that they had tried to get help from Etsy, but failed. One was alsoThe Reddit user who complained about Warner's false account and caused the account to be closed said that Etsy did not have any seller support at all. They did not have chat or phone and never replied to email.

No evidence is required to file a copyright infringement claim on Etsy, only signatures are required to prove the authenticity of the claim. Complainants fill out a three page form with links to the offending products.The target seller can file a counterclaim. If other sellers do not file a lawsuit within 10 days, the item can be restored to its original state.

2. Etsy received complaints about the way the products were taken off the shelves too one-sided, and complaints about infringement may become a dirty means for sellers to "eliminate" competitors.

according toWashington PostReporting,If Etsy thinks the seller is "at risk", it canWithholding the sales income of the target seller within 90 days at most。 Etsy SellerMona WeissstayBlack FiveI received a takedown notice recently, she said the infringement complaintIs very one-sided

Although at least a dozen sellers on Etsy are offering similar products, Mona Weiss stillcollecthere we arecomplaint, claiming that she violated the copyright of animal skull decoration.

andThe complaint does not list copyrightMona WeissstayOhio runsLaughing Skull Studiostudio, andSearched the federal copyright database, but found nothing. WeissthinkAnybody canComplaints must be something elseThe seller wants to buy it on Black FridaysheKick out.

It's not just Etsy.According to Blue Ocean Yiguan,Chris McCabe wasAmazonHe is now an e-commerce consultant. heexpress,A customer sells products on Amazon. Due to a false copyright complaint,Lost more than $1 million in sales,The other sellerIt has received 14 such complaints.These complaints are usuallyyescompetitorIn the abuse of policy.

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