What operations will cause Amazon store traffic to plummet?


Author:Blue Ocean Yiguan
Source: egainnews

What operations of the cross-border e-commerce platform will cause a sharp drop in Amazon store traffic?

For Amazon sellers, whether the store can generate many orders depends on how much exposure and traffic the store has. Without traffic, more orders cannot be generated.

However, as the platform policy continues to tighten, Amazon has taken a "new approach" to sanction some sellers who violate the rules.

Recently, a seller reported that he was suddenly warned by Amazon email.

It is understood that Amazon said in the email that the seller had previously swiped the order or violated the platform policy, and would be reduced by listing the products suspected of violating the rules.

In addition, the period of permission reduction flow is one month.

To put it simply, the seller's store traffic will be limited by the platform, and Amazon will reduce the frequency of consumers seeing the product listing.

At the same time, some sellers reported that they did not have illegal operations, but they still received platform warning emails, and they will also limit the traffic of listing.

So, what other operations will lead to a sharp drop in store traffic?

High return rate

Like other platforms, the Amazon background system will also monitor the sales and after-sales service of the seller's shop. If a product has a high return rate for a long time.

Amazon will punish the store or listing. For example, Amazon will reduce the listing ranking, reduce the source of traffic, and prevent the platform consumer experience from getting worse.

Keyword mismatch

Generally speaking, the keyword traffic entry on the platform is very large, which will directly affect the order quantity of the store.

However, many sellers create their own keywords in order to be different, or they basically use industry common words, which cannot bring more traffic to the store.

Therefore, sellers should have skills and pertinence in the process of selecting keywords.

Product launch

At the initial stage of product launch, Amazon will judge the seller's products and product details page. If the entire listing data is excellent, then the ranking will be higher and the traffic will increase.

At the same time, the seller often modifies the listing attribute or content, which will also be reviewed by Amazon. This will also lead to a certain decline in the listing weight and traffic.

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