What's the difference between using FBA for Amazon Australia


Author:Blue Ocean Yiguan
Source: egainnews

What's the difference between cross-border information Amazon Australia and FBA

stayAmazon Australia Station, if the seller does not useFBA, take full charge of the whole sales process. When transportation is involved, you need to take charge of most of the transportation process and pay attention to the inventory level. andAmazon SellerCheck the order every day.

In this way, the seller can send the order to the buyer as soon as possible.

IUse Amazon FBA

Blue Ocean Yiguan has learned that,If the seller finds that he is not suitable for all transportation processes, he can try Amazon FBA Australia. Amazon FBA Australia provides“FBA”Optional transportation services for.

Amazon FBA allows sellers to passAmazonWarehouse, storage and delivery of their products can reduce the trouble of sellers' operation. If the seller uses Amazon's FBA service, he can get free delivery of specific products, as well as two-day delivery service for prime members.

IIDon't use Amazon FBA

If the seller uses Amazon FBA services, Amazon will handle all things related to transportation and order logistics.

But ifAmazon SellerIf you want to handle transactions and inventory management yourself, the first thing you need to pay attention to is handling international orders. The seller needs to find a reliable express service provider, because the seller should ensure that there is no error in the process of shipping the order to the buyer.

In addition, when the seller manages the inventory himself, he is responsible for holding and maintaining all products. Amazon sellers are responsible for maintaining additional space and ensuring that there is a place to store the inventory of products that need to be sold abroad or in demand.

3、 Where does Amazon Australia spend money?

In addition to the referral fees and hidden product fees for each product category,Amazon Australia StationThe seller has to pay a subscription fee of 49.95 Australian dollars per month. This fee must be paid to Amazon Australia for products on the shelves.

Amazon sellers pay 6 to 15 percent commission on sales generated by Amazon Australia Market Place. This mainly depends on the type and category of each product.

4、 Sellers can promote products through social media

Recently, it is a good way to market products through social media brand marketing and product optimization.

Blue Ocean Yiguan learned that when it comes to ranking products,AmazonOur search engines consider many factors to evaluate a product or listing. In order to make the product rank higher on Amazon Australia, sellers need to study the product's function, price, availability and history to improve Amazon's search ranking.

(Polly ZhangNew media of cross-border e-commerce - Blue Ocean Yiguan website domain news) connects with high-quality resources of cross-border e-commerce.Wal Mart, CoupangWayfair 、Mercado Libre and other platforms settledBrand copywriting planning, network wide promotion, e-commerce training, incubation and other services, please contact us. No unauthorizedRewriting, reprinting, copying, clipping and editingIn whole or in part.

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