How much does Amazon Australia cost to open a shop? How to settle in?


Author:Blue Ocean Yiguan
Source: egainnews

How much does it cost to open a shop in Amazon Australia? How to settle in?

AmazonGo online in 2017Australia StationIn 2019, the sales volume doubled. For sellers who want to expand their business scale, Australia is undoubtedly a choice.

How much does it cost to sell products in Amazon Australia?

It mainly includes the following expenses:

oneMonthly subscription fee: Fixed fee, $49.95

twoSales commission of each product (referral fee): It is charged according to a proportion of the selling price of the goods. Of course, the commission proportion of each kind of goods may be different. For example, the commission of computers and video game consoles is 6%, that of baby products is 7%, that of kitchen appliances is 9%, and that of jewelry, books and software is up to 15%

threeA closing fee of US $1 will be charged for each media product: This is a special fee for media related products, including music, books, DVDs, software, video games and game consoles

fourRefund management fee:Blueocean Yiguan has learned that when a buyer refunds, Amazon will refund the commission, but at this time, the "refund management fee" has been added, which may be 20% of the product price, or a fixed price of $5, based on the lower price

Of course, in addition to the above costs, there are also some other costs. Sellers who plan to do the Australian station would better understand.

One isFreight,Make sure you know how much the freight cost is. Of course, you should estimate it according to the size and weight of the goods, so that it will not exceed the budget.

The other isImport duties,In addition to the regular taxes, the seller does not need to pay any taxes when selling products in Amazon Australia. However, if cross-border e-commerce is involved, import taxes may still be generated.

If the seller's Amazon store is valued at more than $1000, and the total value of imported products exceeds $1000, then you need to pay the import advance tariff. Of course, Amazon will calculate the cost itself.

How to enter Amazon Australia?

1. Go to Amazon Seller's Entrance (Australia Station) and click the "Start Selling" button.

2. Create a new Amazon sales account. The seller needs to provide enterprise related information, including enterprise name and address, enterprise tax information, website address, telephone number, water and electricity bill and credit card information

3. List the products to be sold by the store

4. Amazon will immediately verify the account and return the results to the seller after confirmation

5. At this time, the seller needs to set up a shop and customize the sales platform. BlueOcean Yiguan has learned that Shopify is one of the most widely used e-commerce platforms and can be easily integrated into the seller's existing website

6. If you need Amazon logistics services, you can registerFBA Logistics, provide inventory warehousing, packaging, shipping, transportation services, and the whole process service. The seller only needs to send the inventory to the Amazon warehouse

7. Create product listings and start selling

Finally, let's take a closer lookAdvantages of sales in Amazon Australia.

1. Easy entry

As mentioned above, the cost of opening a store in Amazon Australia is relatively small, and the store can be set up quickly, and the whole process from account creation to commodity sales can be completed within one day.

Amazon also provides FBA logistics services for Australia.

2. Create new revenue channels

Obviously, to settle in Australia is to add a new sales channel and enter the Australian e-commerce market.

3. Contact more consumers

Sales in Australia is a brand new consumer group.

According to Blue Ocean Yiguan, there are hundreds of millions of visitors in Australia, allowing sellers to rapidly expand their consumer base.

(New media of cross-border e-commerce - Domainnews Riley Huang)Coupang, Wayfair, Wal Mart, Mercado Libre and other platforms settled, brand copywriting planning, whole network promotion, e-commerce training and incubationPlease contact us for other services. No unauthorizedRewriting, reprinting, copying, clipping and editingIn whole or in part.

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