This baby shower chair was recalled, involving Amazon, Wal Mart, Wish, eBay


Author:Blue Ocean Yiguan
Source: egainnews

The baby shower chair of cross-border information was recalled, involving Amazon, Wal Mart, Wish, eBay

lately, onWal-MartWishAmazonandeBayAnd other e-commerce platformsBaby shower seat, was recalled because it may cause drowning of infants and children.

Haihai baby bath chair was recalled, involving Amazon, Wal Mart, Wish, eBay

IBaby shower chair recalled due to drowning hazard

Blue Ocean Yiguan has learned that,according toCPSCThe Consumer Product Safety Commission of the United States said that Karmas Far, a company headquartered in Ontario, California, is recalling a baby shower seat because these seats may cause babies to drown.

In the official recall warning issued on December 16, 2021, it was written that these bath chairsFailure to meet federal safety standards for baby shower chairs, including stability and leg opening requirements; Consumers may overturn when using, which poses a danger of drowning to infants; About 900 pieces in stock were affected by the recall.

According to The sun, this baby shower chair was produced in Dongguan, China. From August 2017 to October 2021Wal MartAmazon、eBay、WishAnd BosonshopIt is sold online to American consumers, and the retail price is between $35 and $75.

IIWhat is the recalled baby shower chair like

The recalled product is the baby shower seat of Karmas Far. The product is a two in one or three in one child booster chair design, which can be used for eating, bathing and sitting upright. according toThe-sun,The model of the recalled product is BB2206Can be seen on the sticker on the back of the seat.

This baby shower seat has a removable tray, which is made of plastic and has three colors of yellow, orange and white. The two in one seat is about 13 inches wide, 17 inches deep and 12 inches high. The three in one seat is about 14 inches wide, 18 inches deep and 16 inches high.

The baby bath chair of cross-border e-commerce logistics was recalled, involving Amazon, Wal Mart, Wish, eBay

Fortunately, no casualties have been reported so far.

butCPSC said that if consumers have recalled baby bath chairs at home, please do not take any unnecessary risks and suggest that buyers stop using this product immediately. Contact Karmas Far, which will provide the consumer with a prepaid label to return the goods. When Karmas Far brings back the recalled products, it will give the shoppers a full refund.

The brand is informing all known consumers of the recall and how to handle the product.Amazon will contact buyers directly to inform them of the recall.

According to Blue Ocean Yiguan, Costco also recalled 70000 shower chairs recently. Four people reported injuries when using these chairs.

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