Yiguan Express | Lazada's annual GMV exceeded 21 billion dollars, and its monthly active users reached 159 million


Author:Blue Ocean Yiguan
Source: egainnews

Cross border information Yiguan Express | Lazada's annual GMV exceeded 21 billion US dollars, and its monthly active users reached 159 million

LazadaGMV broke through $21 billion annually, and monthly active users reached 159 million

twelveOn March 21, it was reported that Alibaba's Investor Day in 2021 was held online. According to the latest data released by Lazada, an e-commerce platform in Southeast Asia under Alibaba, the annual active consumers of the platform have increased by 80% in the past 18 months, reaching 130 million; Monthly active users (MAU) also grew by more than 70% to 159 million in the past 18 months.

Amazon pilot reduced the seller's payment collection cycle to 3 days

twelveOn October 21, it was reported by the media that many sellers have received the invitation of Amazon's payment pilot program recently, which will shorten the payment collection cycle of sellers from 14 days to 3 days. It is reported that from December 16, 2021, the sales revenue of all confirmed orders of the seller will take effect three days after the actual delivery date.

The number of sellers in Amazon India exceeded 1 million

Recently, Amazon India said that at present, the number of settled sellers has exceeded 1 million. Among them, more than 90% of the sellers are local small and medium-sized enterprises (SMBs), and more than half of the sellers are from second and third tier cities in India.

Amazon suspends the mobile phone ban in the warehouse center: employees can keep their mobile phones while working

Amazon is delaying plans to ban the use of mobile phones in its warehouses, allowing employees to carry their devices with them at work. Some Amazon warehouse workers received news from the e-commerce company on Friday that they would be allowed to use mobile phones "until further notice".

Amazon spokesman confirmed the news on Saturday. For years, Amazon banned employees from putting their phones on the floor of the warehouse and asked them to leave their devices in their cars or lockers. This provision was temporarily relaxed during the pandemic, but Amazon originally planned to re enable this prohibition in January 2022.

The Federation of Indian Traders will take action against Shopee due to violation of FDI policy

According to foreign media reports, recently, the Confederation of Indian Traders (CAIT) has written to Nirmala Sitharaman, Minister of Finance of India, Piyush Goyal, Minister of Commerce of India, and the Competition Commission of India, asking for action against Shopee because the company violated the policy of foreign direct investment (FDI).

The inventory return function cannot be used when Amazon France updates the FBA donation plan

twelveOn December 20, it was reported by foreign media that Amazon Europe announced that from December 15, Amazon would update the FBA donation plan of the French station, and French sellers could not use the inventory return function.

It is reported that the returned or redundant inventory stored in the French operation center will be donated through Amazon's logistics donation plan. The seller cannot choose to return the goods, and Amazon is eligible to donate any inventory that cannot be sold. Amazon said that the policy was updated to comply with the upcoming circular economy regulations in France.

US Senator Demands a Comprehensive Investigation of Amazon's Employment Behavior

twelveOn October 21, according to foreign media reports, on Monday local time, US Senators Marco Rubio and Sherrod Brown asked the US Labor Department to conduct a comprehensive investigation on Amazon's employment behavior.

Poland's e-commerce platform visits in November: Allegro ranked first and Amazon ranked eighth

According to the latest survey by market research institute Wirtuanne Media, the Allegro platform had 21 million visitors in November, ranking first on the list. AliExpress ranked second with more than 13 million visitors, followed by MediaExpert, Euro RTV AGD, Empik, Vinted and Rossmann, while Amazon ranked eighth with only 6 million visitors.

Indian antitrust regulator cancels Amazon's permission to purchase Future

According to Reuters, on Friday local time, India's anti-monopoly regulator, the Competition Commission of India (CCI), revoked Amazon's permission to purchase Future Coupons, a subsidiary of Future Retail Ltd.

Information source: Netease, TechWeb, Baidu News, etc

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