Grab the traffic password! EBay Announces 2021 Best Selling Categories


Source: ennews

As a global e-commerce giant, eBay has a large number of consumers in the world. Its main target markets include the United States and the United Kingdom. The year 2021 is approaching the end of the year. Recently, the platform has launched its popular 2021 category.


EBay export announced the best-selling categories from the beginning of 2021 to November, including electronic products, game consoles, household health monitoring instruments, sports fitness products, small household appliances, auto and motorcycle spare parts, board games toys, clothing accessories, health and beauty, jewelry and watches.


The user needs and sales needs of different products are different. If you find that the platform is popular, you should also pay attention to the sales points of different products.


Electronic products have always been hot sellers, including laptops and parts, video cards, Apple smartphones, Samsung smartphones, headphones, etc.


For such products, the market demand has always been very strong, and the electronic products have been updated rapidly. The replacement frequency of earphones is high. Smartphones and laptops are basically replaced once every three years. For such products, sellers must pay attention to the quality of the products, so as not to affect the score and return rate of stores.


With the outbreak and continuation of the epidemic, people pay more attention to the health of their families. Therefore, various blood glucose and blood pressure detectors and oral care products have become hot sellers;


In addition, strengthening physical exercise to maintain health is also a very popular health concept. Among sports goods, football supplies, bicycles and supporting parts have also become2021 Hot category. Of course, the quality of such products is also a purchase factor that consumers attach great importance to.


Jewelry and watches have also become popular this year, among which men's watches, engagement rings, earrings and other products are popular. Sellers of such products should pay attention to identifying the authenticity of products to ensure the quality and sophistication of products.


Clothing accessories, beauty products, board games and other entertainment products are alsoThe best-selling products of 2021 are inseparable from the epidemic situation. Sellers can pay more attention to the epidemic situation in the global and target markets, do a good job in product screening, and adjust the marketing plan of the store in a timely manner.

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