Amazon launches A+support for new features, helping sellers operate easily


Author:Li Kai
Source: ennews

Yesterday,Amazon USA has released a new announcement that will introduce new features for A+support, helping sellers easily operate their stores and increase sales.


Cross border e-commerce logistics: Amazon launches new A+support features to help sellers operate easily


Amazon stated that sellers can use the brand newThe A+brand story function shares product stories, making them stand out in the competition of many products and strengthening the connection between buyers and sellers. With this new feature, sellers canUnder the nameIn the dedicated slot of the "From Brand" detailed information page, captivating visual content is used to highlight the elements of the brand story separately from the product features.


applyThe A+brand story feature allows sellers to increase sales by 5% by adding images and text to 5-7 different content modules, which will present detailed pages in the "Product Description" sectionHighlight the brand elements and product level features of the seller.


With this new feature, sellers do not need to reuse any existingThe A+module can highlight key elements of the brand and product. Amazon has created a dedicated slot called "From Brand" on the detailed information page for sellers to help them separate product features. Sellers can simply set up a single version of brand centric content and publish it to all ASINs within the seller's brand, retaining rich content in the product description section of the detailed information page to obtain additional feature information at the product level.


Amazon emphasizes that this feature aims to become an immersive module based on rotation, helping buyers understand the seller's brand. Sellers can easily add unique background images and use up to four pre formatted layout applications19 cards/content blocks, one of which will provide a link back to the seller's brand store. In addition, the module also has device responsiveness, providing an optimized experience on both desktop and mobile devices.


Many sellers also express that this tool is very convenient and can help their products gain more exposure and increase product sales. And the new features can also effectively help sellers change the traditional sales form of distribution and move towards building brand integrated commercial development. I believe many sellers can use this tool to strengthen their brand effect and increase sales.

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