Fair announced the hottest gifts in 2021, including candles, jeans and shirts


Author:Blue Ocean Yiguan
Source: egainnews

Sailing Faire announced the hottest gifts in 2021, including candles, jeans and shirts

Fair PlatformAnnounced the list of the hottest gifts in 2021, including the most popularCandle fragrance, sweets, jeans, shirts, etcClothing.

Blue Ocean Yiguan has learned that,FaireIt is an online wholesale platform with 40000 brands and more than 300000 sellers worldwide. Recently, Faire reviewed the biggest trend of this year for the first time, and collected an insight from sellers and platforms. The following are relevant contents.

ICandy search ranked top 5

this year,U.S.APeople indulge in sweet food. according toThe official blog of Faire, in the United States“candyCandy "is one of the five most searched keywords.

For 10 months of the year, the best-selling products in the United States are sugary snacks and sweet drinks, such as gummy bears, cakes and ready cocktails.

stayU.S.AThe most popular product this year is Candy Club's Rainbow Sour Belts. Other top products of the Faire global platform include:

oneCanadaPetite Wood Bowl by Forever Green ArtSmall wooden bowl)

twoUK: LSW Mind Cards by LSW London

threeFrance:Huile à barbe 50ml – Cèdre x Agrumes (Beard Oil) by Sapiens

4. Germany:BIO JAMU No7 – DE-ÖKO-006 by JAMU GmbH  

Cross border e-commerce logistics Fair announced the hottest gifts in 2021, including candles, jeans and shirts


In the gift category, candles are the most popular gifts in the world. according toFairecandlesCandle "ranks first or second in the annual search hot words of each country.

The cross-border e-commerce fair announced the hottest gifts in 2021, including candles, jeans and shirts

oneIn 2021, American consumers ordered more than 170000 candles in Faire.

twoIn the United States, the word "candle" has been searched more than 40000 times.

threeCandles are the best selling products in Canada, France and Germany, and the second best selling products in the United States and Britain.

fourIn all countries, Faire users ordered nearly 182000 candles in 2021.

fiveIn all countries, the word "candle" has been searched by Faire users more than 70,000 times.

sixThe most popular candle fragrance in the world includes: teak and tobacco in North America (the United States and Canada); English coconut flavor; French cinnamon, clove and apple flavors; The smell of polar willows and waves in Germany.

The e-commerce platform Fair announced the hottest gifts in 2021, including candles, jeans and shirts

3、 Clothing

As consumers recover from isolation, the demand for fashion clothing is surging. According to the survey of Faire, the sales of jeans in the world increased by 50%. In the United States“shirts & blousesShirts "ranked first in the most popular category“dangle & hoop earringsPendant and ring earrings "ranked fifth.

Other noteworthy items include the return of bicycle shorts and smiling face accessories:

oneBike shorts(Cycling shorts) made a comeback on TikTok with more than 87 million hits. In Faire, bicycle shorts were searched nearly 14000 times.

twobeltSmiley decorationThe clothing and accessories of is another popular trend on Instagram and TikTok. The word "smiling face" will be searched more than 37000 times in 2021.

4、 Top brand value

Blueocean Yiguan has learned that in terms of brand value, the top three brand values this year come from the United States, women's brands and environmental protection brands. Among the global collections, the most popular values include:


twoBased in Europe

threeBased in the U.K.

fourFor the Foodie

fiveBlack-owned businesses

Cross border information Faire announced the hottest gifts in 2021, including candles, jeans and shirts

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