The reason why Amazon is so successful is that it has strict requirements for sellers, strict management of sellers, and more strict control over products. Products can only be sold by sellers with multiple certifications. Today, we will talk about Amazon product certification.
Amazon has many product certifications,There are FDA certification, American CPC certification, American FCC certification, European CE certification, etc.
What are Amazon product certifications
1、American CPC certification
The U.S. CPC certification is for children under 12 years old. All things used by children must be certified by CPC, such as pacifiers, baby carriages, baby beds, safety seat helmets, etc. According to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Act, all products for children under 12 years old must have test results and provide written safety certificates before they can be sold normally.
Children's products must comply with all safety rules, and CPC certification data should be written in detail, such as name, address, telephone number, etc.
2、FCC Certification
FCC certification is a certification required by the Federal Communications Commission of the United States. All communication products, radio products, electric tools and toy products need to be subject to FCC certification. FCC certification has two ways, including FCC SDOC: common products (without wireless function), testing EMC; FCC ID: test EMC+RF for products with wireless.
For all radio application products, if digital products are to enter the American market, it is a mandatory certification.
3、European CE certification
Amazon product certification and European CE certification are compulsory certification. All products must be certified. No matter what type of products, they have this certification. Otherwise, they cannot enter the European market. They can be said to be the passport of the European market.
European CE certification has a certificate with a bulletin number (NB), which is more authoritative; There is also a certificate issued by a non notified body, which only certifies the safety of products, but not the quality.
4、FDA Certification
The FDA certification in the United States covers many products, including food, drugs, cosmetics, medical equipment, radioactive products, and biological agents.
FDA is the abbreviation of Food and Drug Administration of the Food and Drug Administration. All products that need to contact people need to submit such certification.
5、UL Listed
UL certification is not mandatory, but general products have UL certification. The sales volume in the U.S. market is relatively good, including electronic equipment, mechanical products, lamps, fire protection equipment and chemicals.
6、PSE certification
PSE certification is a mandatory safety certification in Japan, which can be said to be a pass for Japanese sites. It is generally divided into specific electrical appliances, also known as diamond PSE logo, and non-specific electrical appliances, also known as round PSE logo. The cost of PSE certification is different for different products.
Blueocean Yiguan reminds sellers that Amazon product certification is not required for all products. Some products must be required, and some products may not. Therefore, sellers must know what kind of products they sell, and be clear about the product category, so that they can do a better job in Amazon stores.
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