Blue Ocean Yiguan has learned that,Changes in prices will be reflected inEtsyPurchased tags, or will be updated when they take effect. For sellers using calculated shipping in the United States, these new rates will also be automatically updated.
FedEx FedEx's new rates will take effect on January 3, and Canada Post will take effect on January 10. The USPS USPS rate adjustment will take effect on January 9.Here are some key changes.
1. Domestic and International FedEx Express will increase by 5.9% on average.
2. Domestic FedEx Ground will also increase by 5.9% on average.
threeFedExMost common surcharges will increase.
IICanada Post
1. The weighted average price of domestic packages increased by 3.5%.
2. The postage to the United States and other international destinations will increase by 2.8%.
3. The price of Priority Worldwide increased by 5.5%.
3、 USPS United States Postal Service
oneIn the First Class Package Service, the package freight of 1 to 4 ounces will increase by 0.06 to 0.071 dollars.
2. The cost of Domestic Priority Mail and Priority Mail Express will increase by 3.1% on average.
3. The price of First Class International will increase by 4.2% on average.
4. The rate of Priority Mail International will increase by 3.7%, while that of Priority Mail Express International will increase by 3.2%.
5. The cost of First Class Mail Flats and Letters will remain unchanged in 2022.
4、 Etsy seller should update the transportation rate of the store
Although many rates are changing, Etsy's tools will help sellers update their store's shipping rates.
1. Shipping label on Etsy
Sellers in the US, UK, Australia, Canada and India can purchase shipping labels on Etsy. Many services include tracking, and some services include free delivery confirmation. When the seller purchases labels on Etsy, Etsy saves the seller one step and automatically marks all orders shipped.
2.Calculated Shipping
Calculated Shipping can save time, allowing sellers in the United States and Canada to displayUSPSAnd Canada Post to transport packages to buyers, automatically calculating single or multiple orders (to domestic and international destinations).
To use Calculated Shipping, Etsy sellers can select "Calculate them for me (Recommended)" in the Shipping section of listing. Follow the steps to add the weight and size of the item, where the seller wants to transport it, the method of transport the seller will provide, and any applicable handling charges.
Etsy sellers can also create a calculated shipping profile configuration file to add calculated shipping to multiple lists at once.According to Blue Ocean Yiguan,Any product with Calculated Shipping will automatically update its transportation cost.
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