What is Amazon's inventory report? How to use the Active Listings Report


Author:Blue Ocean Yiguan
Source: egainnews

What is the inventory report of Seagoing Amazon? How to use the Active Listings Report

AmazonThe inventory report of provides the seller with necessary product listing information, inventory, and sales rate in a given period. This message displaysAmazon SKUCompetitive price, inventory availabilityAmazon ASINDetails, etc.

Active Listings Report is one of the commonly used Amazon inventory reports, which will be introduced below.

IActive Listings Report

Seller inAmazonThere are many products on the shelves, and the Active Listings Report report provides a summary of these products. It contains in-depth listing information for each product, including BMVD shipment settings, conditions, and item notes.

Blue Ocean Yiguan has learned that,The report provides an accurate and concise overview of the seller's account, while giving the seller a more comprehensive understanding of the product, price, quantity, etc.

What is the inventory report of the e-commerce platform Amazon? How to use the Active Listings Report

IIHow do I generate an Active Listings Report?

1. Log in toAmazon Seller CenterAccount, and select Inventory Reports.

2. On the inventory report page menu, select Active Listings Report.

3. Click "Request Report Request Report" to download the report.

4. After the report is downloaded, use the The txt format is opened.                                          

3、 What does the Active Listings Report include?

The Active Listings Report report contains about 27 columns, but several of them do not display any data in the report. The seller should determine the most important columns.

oneItem-name: meansAmazon product listingTitle of. It only contains 80 characters, and the longer title is cut off.

twoItem-description: This section includes the product description of Amazon listing. You can find the ASIN details entered previously.

threeListing-ID: When the seller wants to manually edit the listing, he can find the listing ID. This field is created internally by Amazon to track product listing.

fourProduct-ID: This represents the value of Amazon listing. It can be ISBN, ASIN, EAN/UPC, etc.

fiveASIN1: Indicates the product ASIN of the listed items

sixProduct-ID-Type: Generated when Amazon listing is created.

sevenPrice: Amazon displays the product price here, but does not display the currency.

eightQuantity: Displays the current inventory quantity available on Amazon.

nineSeller-SKU: This section shows the details of the SKU that the seller or Amazon assigned to the product listing when creating the listing.

tenOpen-date: This field displays the time and date of Amazon listing in the format of YYYY-MM-DD HH-MM-SS.

elevenFulfillment-channel: Display logistics settings. It displays "Default", which means Merchant Fully, or "Amazon", which means Amazon FBA.

twelveWill-ship-internationally: This field displays the shipment settings, 1=Yes, 0=No.

4、 How do I use the Active Listings Report?

Active Listings ReportAll necessary information for active listing for sale is provided to the seller. It ensures that these products can be available and purchased on Amazon.

1. This report is useful if the seller wants to edit, improve or delete data from the inventory loader file. In the inventory program, it allows the seller to track all the necessary information by updating the inventory level and other relevant details.

2. The seller can use this report to modify the sales price by including the product discount cost in a specific period after downloading the inventory loader file.

3. If the seller's goal is to increase the sales of a specific product line, or plan to make seasonal sales,Active Listings ReportIt is an excellent way to achieve this goal.

4. Blueocean Yiguan learned that the report can also help sellers edit the delivery time of delivery orders, avoid pauses and warnings, and maintain flexibility during busy hours.

last,Active Listings ReportIt can help the seller to clear the inventory and ensure that it does not contain old or incorrect inventory, because if the seller does not actively sell products or does not sell products truthfully, they will eventually become a burden on Amazon's account.

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What is Amazon's inventory report for cross-border shipping? How to use the Active Listings Report

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