A large number of cross-border e-commerce sellers in Shenzhen have been shut down and isolated, and their shipments have been detained? A large number of factories have holidays in advance or are out of stock


Author:Blue Ocean Yiguan
Source: egainnews

As the "front line" of cross-border e-commerce, Shenzhen is the city with the most sellers.
Once the epidemic situation breaks out, it will affect many sellers in terms of work, delivery, customs clearance, etc.
On January 7, two cases of COVID-19 positive infection were found in Shenzhen.
One is an employee of a company in Luohu District who lives in Dongxinling 8th Lane, Village 1, Buji Community, Buji Street, Longgang District, and the other is his wife.
The main track of the two cases is to take the subway to and from the unit and residence. The affected subway stations are mainlySome stations of Line 5 and Line 10.
One of the infected worked in Sakata Shenzhou Building.
There are many Amazon sellers in the building,It is also only "an arrow's throw away" from the office space of Aoji, Saiwei, Youkeshu, Tongtuo and other first-line big sellers.
It is reported that yesterday, some sellers of the building delivered goods as usual.
Some sellers are worried that this batch of goods may be regarded as epidemic related items and detained, which may lead to the risk of out of stock for some sellers.

Many cross-border e-commerce sellers in b2b Shenzhen stopped work and were isolated, and their shipments were detained? A large number of factories have holidays in advance or are out of stock

As an area where cross-border e-commerce sellers are concentrated, Bantian has become a "high-risk area".
Many operators of cross-border e-commerce companies go to the park to work in the morning, but they are blocked out of the park, or some sellers who live in the park can't leave the park when they wake up.
According to the requirements of the street, all residents in Bantian should have nucleic acid tests. Many sellers have to interrupt their work,Queue up for nucleic acid test as required.A cross-border e-commerce practitioner in coordinate Sakata said that "thousands of people have lined up in the park", and some people were "notified to do nucleic acid testing in the middle of the night."

Many cross-border e-commerce sellers on the e-commerce platform in Shenzhen stopped working and isolated, and their shipments were detained? A large number of factories have holidays in advance or are out of stock

Today, many cross-border e-commerce companies announced that they would work at home, even some companies announced holidays, and a large number of employees queued up on the street to do nucleic acid testingAttendance is very low

Many cross-border e-commerce sellers in Shenzhen stopped work and were isolated, and their shipments were detained? A large number of factories have holidays in advance or are out of stock

Many cross-border e-commerce sellers in Shenzhen stopped work and were isolated, and their shipments were detained? A large number of factories have holidays in advance or are out of stock

Cross border e-commerce sellers mainly work on computers. The epidemic will not have a substantial impact on daily operations, but will have a huge impact on logistics.
An insider pointed out that in the future,Bantian, Longgang District, will enter a closed state, and cross-border e-commerce logistics in the region is likely to be delayed.
A cross-border logistics company has issued a notice that the Sakada warehouse community is conducting nucleic acid collection, and vehicles in the Sakada warehouse are temporarily unable to get in and out. If the seller wants to ship, it can be transferred to Henggang warehouse.

Many cross-border e-commerce sellers on the e-commerce platform in Shenzhen stopped working and isolated, and their shipments were detained? A large number of factories have holidays in advance or are out of stock

It is a little reassuring that in the face of the epidemic, Shenzhen demonstrated its "speed of the special zone".
We hope that the epidemic can be controlled in a timely manner, but it does not rule out that some cross-border e-commerce sellers may have to celebrate the New Year on the spot and cannot go home to reunite with their families.

Many cross-border e-commerce sellers in Shenzhen stopped work and were isolated, and their shipments were detained? A large number of factories have holidays in advance or are out of stock

In addition to the impact of the epidemic, the foreign trade factories had a holiday in advance, which had another impact on cross-border e-commerce.
At the end of December, a company in Sichuan had a holiday notice on the screen, which seemed to be the prelude to an early holiday for companies and factories. According to the company's notice, the holiday lasts from December 31 to February 15, 2022, totaling 47 days.

Many cross-border e-commerce sellers on the e-commerce platform in Shenzhen stopped working and isolated, and their shipments were detained? A large number of factories have holidays in advance or are out of stock

According to the person in charge of the company, this year's annual task has reached the expectation, and the existing orders are enough to reach the end of the year. In addition, employees have been busy for a long time before and want to let everyone relax.
When I go to work in the next year, I will be more efficient and better able to cope with the production increase plan in 2022.
Such a long holiday is enviable.
However, many factories have a holiday in advance this year, which is really unavoidable and affects the stock of many cross-border e-commerce sellers.
A seller claimed that the factory and Sakada Warehousing were expected to have an early holiday this year, and the previous anxiety had come true, so we had to hurry up to deliver the goods.

Cross border e-commerce logistics In Shenzhen, many cross-border e-commerce sellers were suspended and isolated, and their shipments were detained? A large number of factories have holidays in advance or are out of stock

Another clothing seller claimed that because the factory had an early holiday, clothes ordered in recent days could only be delivered after the year.
In fact, according to feedback from textile related people around the country, many factories have announced the Spring Festival holiday.
Especially in Jiangsu and Zhejiang, affected by environmental assessment, dual control, epidemic situation and other factors, many garment factories have opened the holiday mode.
Since December, some factories in Wujiang, Jiangsu have been forced to stop production due to environmental problems, and some regions require water spraying without pollution discharge certificate and relevant enterprises to stop production for 10 days.
As an important textile production base, the large-scale shutdown of Wujiang is bound to have a certain impact on the textile industry.
Affected by the epidemic prevention and control in Zhejiang, 13 listed companies issued temporary production suspension announcements. The shutdown of large enterprises has had a great impact on the local area. Many factories announced holidays at the end of December.

Many cross-border e-commerce sellers in b2b Shenzhen stopped work and were isolated, and their shipments were detained? A large number of factories have holidays in advance or are out of stock

However, some factories said that the reason for the early shutdown of production and holiday was precisely due to the early holiday of cross-border e-commerce sellers.
A factory owner reported that the order volume of several major cross-border e-commerce customers has declined this year.At the end of December, the owner of the factory received a notice from the customer that because of the low sales volume in the peak season, some products that were not sold at Christmas and New Year's Day may be postponed to be sold after the year. Therefore, sellers should reduce their stock in 2022.
The decline of orders led to the fact that the factory was not as busy as before at the end of this year and there was a shortage of workers. It is better to have an early holiday than to let the workers idle.
The factory and the seller are integrated. As long as one party has problems, the other party will also be affected.
Not only do factories have holidays in advance, but some sellers also have holidays of up to 20 or even 40 days.
A cross-border e-commerce operator said that the company had a holiday for more than 20 days since January 18,The art design and development of the company began to have a holiday on January 1, which lasted 40 days, longer than the winter holiday.

Many cross-border e-commerce sellers in b2b Shenzhen stopped work and were isolated, and their shipments were detained? A large number of factories have holidays in advance or are out of stock

The seller He Linyuan plans to start his holiday on January 27 and go to work on February 15. But looking at the current order quantity (no order), I have no intention of working and just want to have a holiday.
For most sellers, there are two situations for enterprises that take holidays in advance:
One is to finish the performance target of this year early, take a holiday in advance and take a long holiday, so that employees can get enough rest and can work better after the year.
On the other hand, the number of orders at the end of the year is small. Instead of letting employees spend time in the office, it is better to take a holiday in advance to avoid the peak of Spring Festival transportation.
As a result, although some companies have long holidays, only the statutory seven day holidays are paid, while others are unpaid. The company with good benefit will be paid during the holiday. (Yiguan Information Reporting Group)
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