The e-commerce scale of DTC in the United States will reach 150 billion US dollars in 2022


Author:Liu Mengyuan
Source: ennews

according toEMarketer predicts that direct to consumer (DTC) e-commerce sales in the United States will reach $151.2 billion in 2022, an increase of 16.9% compared to this year. And in the coming year, althoughDTCProcurement only accounts for% of total retail sales2.5%, but through diverse consumer experiences, these brands willmeetingSuccessful DisruptiontraditionRetail industry.

The cross-border e-commerce platform DTC in the United States will have a e-commerce scale of $150 billion in 2022


PureDTCompany CmeetingAttract consumers through intentional marketing.andrightDTCcompanyFor example, the cost of acquiring customers is alsomeetingVery high,However,DTCmodeYesProvide the company with a comprehensive understanding of each productofMarketing control.


Shane Pittson, Vice President for Growth at Quip, told eMarketer that as aDTCcompanyThe supplier of oral hygiene products can gain better communication with retailers "Data and viewpoints ^ ^, forproductSuccess ofgeneralizationBe prepared.


It is understood that,Provide customers with unique and high-quality productsIt's every one of themDTC's ultimate goal. Due to providing products directly to customers, eachDTCBoth face the challenge of persuading customers that what it provides is that consumersitThe place cannot be found.


For mattress companiesFor Saatva's co founder and chief strategic officer, Ricky Joshi, this means avoiding typicalDTCSurrounding the brandA flashy and unrealistic phenomenon, andwant "Adhere to the value proposition and the philosophy of the company at its inception.


Meanwhile,Like every e-commerce company,DTCFaced with the challenge oflikeThe challenge of converting into actual purchases,How to improvetake "Add to shopping cart ^ ^ Convert to"consumerCheckout "Ability?The strategy of driving consumers to pull out their wallets is crucial for everyDTCIt's all different.


Brooklyn's Vice President of Products, Kate MacCabe, told eMarketer that the bedding company has actually changed fromhisDTC brandBenefiting from,theyDuring this process, the purchase path was simplified. For itsitDTCTo improveConversion rateMay require communication withShopify and other companies establish partnerships.


In addition,In order to maintain competitiveness,DTCIt is necessary to diversify consumer experiences,Developing together with customer needs,And notonlyIt is selling fixed products on the website. For manyDTCFor example, this means going beyond pureDTCModel, in the spirit of growth and cooperation with external resources.


For example,Footwear brandsAllbirds and eyewear supplier Warby Parker have physical stores,They willTake the customer offline.Quip collaborates with existing physical stores, such as Target, to sell products.


Meanwhile,manyDTCThe company was also in its initialHot selling itemExpanded beyond the product.Allbirds nowAlso involved in the field of clothing sales,And with salesMen's shaverDominantcompany——Harry's alsoprovideDeodorantClass products. This phenomenon reflects theseBrand inUnder the premise of adhering to its value propositionAnd also began to undergo a mode shift.

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