Recently, according to foreign media reports,Facebook has removed some Facebook groups with the name "eBay", which has attracted the attention of eBay's official staff.
Subsequently,EBay releases an announcement targetingExplain the deletion of some eBay groups on Facebook.
EBay stated that staff have recently learnedOn FacebookexistenceA small portion withFacebook group with the name 'eBay'Deletion phenomenon.EBay emphasizes that,Community isThe cornerstone of eBayamong,andEBay sellersOperationalFacebook groups are a crucial part of the community to stay connected and informed,EBay EncouragementBetween eBay seller groupsDeepen communication andContact.
Subsequently,EBay pointed out that the working group is currently actively investigating the reasons for Facebook deleting some eBay groups, and the working team is currently directly working withFacebookcontactTo restoresellerDeletedEBayGroup.
IfSeller'sThe Facebook group has been affected,EBay suggests AndEBay staffContact.Sellers canProvide group name and manage groupThe URL of the Facebook homepage, group URL, and any other relevant information.
Besides,EBayencourageAllProactively changing itFacebookgroup name Seller ofrecoveryincludeIncluding the word 'eBay'Old name(stayWithin Facebook group rules).It is worth noting that,EBay also recommends that sellers learn about eBay badges to prevent similar issues from occurring.
according toEBay policy requires that users are prohibited from using eBay names and logos in the following situations:
1Business card
2As a website link
3domain name
4User'sEBay store name or user's username
5Mailing Label
6Shop Window
7To make others believe that the user isMention eBay through sponsorship, affiliation, or recognition
Subsequently, the sellers expressed their concern forFacebook's view on deleting some eBay groups.
sellerA: EBay seems to be blind to any competitive threats Facebook may pose. Although Facebook deleted the eBay group, eBay employees actively kicked sellers out of eBay's own community forums to re report customer service issues to their Facebook business team, which is simply incompetent.
sellerB: Let's not forget the live shopping event on eBay and Facebook. The maximum number of participants is 400, which is far less than the millions of viewers on Wal Mart and Twitter.