Amazon has set limits on the sales of Covid-19 test suite!


Author:Wang Meirong
Source: ennews

Recently, foreign media reported thatConcerns about omicron variants led to a surge in demand, and Amazon limited the sales of its home Covid-19 test suite.


According to the report, with the highly infectiousWith the spread of omicron virus, the number of COVID-19 cases rose again in the United States, and the virus is now considered to be the main Covid variant in the country, accounting for 73% of the tested cases. As many Americans prepare to travel and reunite with their families, the surge has led to a surge in demand for testing before the holidays.


It is widely reported thatCovid inspection points have long lines, while the shelves of household Covid inspection products in some pharmacies are empty. In response to the surge, Walgreen and CVS Health said on Tuesday that they were limiting the number of family Covid tests that customers could buy in stores and online.


Amazon spokesman said that due to increased demand, the company is facingInventory shortage of Covid test suite. The spokesman said that the company is trying to obtain more Covid test suite inventory from its sales partners.


As of Wednesday, Amazon hasThe purchase quantity of PCR test kits is limited to 10 pieces per shopper.


At the same time, the test suites provided by other suppliers in this market are also limited. Amazon spokesman said that third-party sellers and suppliers set their own purchase restrictions. Amazon did not answer the question when the test shortage began.


Amazon did not answer the question of when the test suite shortage would begin.


In case of possible shortage of test kits, the US government said it would purchase500 million home test kits, which Americans can order online for free. It is understood that the delivery of the kit will start next month. However, so far, the country's health officials have not provided more detailed information about the website, including whether there is a limit on each order, or how long to receive the kit after ordering.


Although it has been reported in the media that people can buy test kits from Yazao and other retailers before the shortage, even Amazon will have a shortage in the current situation.

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