Top 10 global e-commerce websites announced that SHEIN's ranking continued to rise


Author:Wu Shuai
Source: ennews

According to foreign media, technology companies in the United StatesCloudflare surveyed the traffic of major websites around the world and published the ranking of websites with the highest traffic in the world in 2021.


Amazon became the only e-commerce website in the top ten. In addition, TaobaoEBay and Wal Mart both entered the top 100, which is basically the same as in previous years.


According to the detailed rankingThe top 10 e-commerce websites in 2021 are:


1. Amazon

2. Taobao


4. Wal Mart

5. Jingdong


7. Best Buy

8. Target

9. Lotte

10. Home Depot


The ranking of e-commerce websites last year was:


1. Amazon

2. Taobao


4. Wal Mart


6. Jingdong


8. Lotte

9. Target

10. Best Buy


Through comparison, it can be found that the top four on the list have not changed, and the rankings of JD, Target and Best Buy have all risen this year.


Among them, Amazon ranked No. 1 in the annual global website ranking6。 In 2021stayIn January and late April,Amazon ranked NoFour, this is also Amazon'sthis yearThe highest ranking of. stayend of the year,Amazon's ranking has also risenNovember 28thNet1December 1Day andsixToday, Amazon ranked Nofivename


Taobao isAugust 20th, reached2021The highest point in the global ranking——15th,And inOn November 11, Taobao ranked 17th globally.


The ranking of eBay and Shopify rose in August, but the highest ranking of eBay appeared on December 1, reaching 27th.


JD ranked fifth on the e-commerce listBefore entering the global website in some periods100, mainly in MayandJuneOn June 18, 2021, the day of 618 shopping activities, JD rankedReached the68,Exceed Wal Mart, and almost catch upebay


Best Buy's traffic isIt reached its peak on October 6, and achieved rapid growth throughout November, which was the same as Shopify in December.


It is worth noting that,The ranking of SHEIN will rise rapidly in 2021,It's inLead in December 19-24, 2020Best BuyandTarget, reaching thetwo hundred and fifty-threename。 stay2021In March, it reached another peak,this yearThe highest ranking period of SHEIN is in NetOne

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