New ideas for selection! Men's wear market ushers in spring


Author:Zeng Xuening
Source: ennews

Fashion clothing and other products, no matter in which country, occupy the top of the best seller list. WhereIn 2021, the growth and change of the sales volume of men's wear market deserve the attention of sellers.


according toAccording to the data of NPD Group, the growth of men in clothing continues to exceed that of women.From January 2021 to November 2021, compared with the same period in 2019, the sales of men's clothing increased by 12%, 4 percentage points higher than that of women's clothing.


NPD fashion clothing industry analyst saidTo:"Men are reassessing their fashion needs. Whether it is because of the standardized office dress or the change of body size, they feel that the wardrobe needs to be updated compared with that before the epidemic." Therefore, in the past two years, the sales of men's clothing market are on the rise.


Fashion brandFrameLaunched again this fall7-year old men's wear series.New CEONicolas DreyfusIt indicates that men's wear is an opportunity. After expanding the men's wear series, the business volume will increase from10% to 50%.


And many brands use male athletes as reference models for promotion, because they find that the ability of athletes to carry goods is also unusual.In December,FrameThe brand is officiallyA sportsman wearing on InstagramFrameThis is the post of windbreaker. I got it1700 praises and dozens of comments.


And based onPinterest's popular forecast for 2022 also mentioned that "athletes" are equal to "fashion idols".In the platform trend,In June 2021, the search volume of "Pearl Necklace Men" increased seven times compared with the previous year.A large part of the reason is that the players of the Atlanta Warriors often wear this jewelry, which has attracted the attention of many media.And the report also points out thatGeneration Z and male are Pinterest's fastest growing user categories.


Many brands and retailers have also targeted this market and are ready toThe menswear collection will be launched in 2022. The new men's wear series of luxury brand Erdem will be released next year; The Outnet, a big discount website, also plans to add men's clothing category to its category.


In addition, the popularity of gender free clothing is also one of the reasons for the growth of men's clothing market.


No sex Don't wear it(Unisex Style)It is a style of wearing that breaks the dual boundaries of gender. It advocates fashion regardless of age, figure and gender. It expresses fashion freely without worrying about the way of wearing"Not suitable".


In fact, sexism has been quietly popular for a long time, and many designers have made efforts to break the gender limit of single pieces by using different outlines, colors, materials and elements.Among them, the more classic unisexual wear pieces are large silhouette suits and jackets, which are clean and have a contour shape, without too much emphasis on body curves, and have a sense of strength; The casual loose shirt can also easily create a minimalist style of frigidity, reflecting the concept of gender free.


With the above data as the support, the relevant seller enterprises can pay more attention to the market dynamics of men's clothing in the next year and seize the opportunity to create a blockbuster.

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