US holiday sales growth exceeded expectations; Clothing expenditure increased by 33%


Author:Wu Shuai
Source: ennews

According to the nationalRetail FederationNRFData forThe United States on holiday zerosellSales achieved record growth.amongMost categoriesAll realizedTwo digit numberofYear on year growth.


NRFReported thatDespite facing inflation, supply chain disruption andepidemic situationChallenges, butvacationsales volumestillEasily exceededPreviousAnd set a new record.2021November 1 to December 31periodRetail sales ratio of2020ContemporaneousIncreased14.1%, reaching US $886.7 billion.Among them,on-lineSales growth11.3% to US $218.9 billion


NRF initially predicted that the holiday sales in 2021 would increase by 8.5% to 10.5% compared with 2020, reaching $843.4 billion to $859 billion.stay2020During the holiday period, consumer spending isUS $777.3 billionYear on yearincrease8.2%。


Jack, Chief Economist, NRF "Retail sales have shown strong momentum throughout the holiday season," Kleinhenz saidinflationSupply chainandepidemic situationtosellerIt brings pressure, but it is not restrainedConsumer'sExpenditures. Although many consumersStart shopping in October, November and DecemberofsalestillVery strong.


And based onICSC investigation, eliminationSpenders spend on average during the festivalUS $1011higher than$795 in 2020,50% of shoppersThis year's holidaySpending more than last year。 Shoppers spent on holiday related goodsUS $579.


Jack Kleinhenz added that "holiday spending in 2021 reflects consumer demandGrowth of, andtakestay2022Keep going”"Nevertheless, due toepidemic situationWe should be prepared for the challenges in the coming months due to the huge uncertainty.


however,Because many consumersadvanceStart holiday shopping,2021Retail sales in December fell 2.7% compared with November. By contrast, NovemberRetail salesMonth on month decline0.3%, up 14.8% year on year. From November to December, the holiday sales increased year on year, mainly due to the growth of clothing and sports goods.During holidays,Specific to key industriesincreasesituationby


Clothing growth33.1%Growth of sports goodstwenty point nine%;Growth in furniture and household goodsfifteen%;Growth of electronics and household appliancesthirteen point eight%;Growth of building materials and garden suppliesthirteen point five%;Growth of health and personal care providers9.6%

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