Household consumers prefer Etsy


Author:Wu Shuai
Source: ennews

According to foreign media reports, consumers may prefer to buy household productsEtsyNot Amazon.


InsiderSaid,Different from other e-commerce websites such as Amazon,EtsyplatformofInterface layoutHighlights thedesignerThis layout makes consumers more aware of the product designer and production process, and more confident about the product quality.


A consumer said,Although the delivery time is longstayEtsyAfter one purchase,Etsy soon becameheBuy retro andPersonalized productsPreferred by.If I have any questions, I can also contact the store directly and get an immediate reply.


In addition, the consumer also compared Amazon andEtsyShopping experience of the platform: Amazon's delivery speed is fast, but the product quality is worrying. And inEtsyHe can find household decorations that match his own style and support his favorite artists.


Etsy describes itself as "a global online market where people gather to make, sell, buy and collect unique items", focusing on "creativity"Buyers and sellers.On the product category,The company specializes in antiques and handicrafts. It is said that home and life and art and collections are the two most popular categories of the website.


2021June, EtsysuccessivelyAnnounce plans toUS $1.62 billionand$217 million,AcquisitionbritainSecond hand fashiononline retailersDepopAnd Brazilian second-hand e-commerce companiesElo7


The company'sFinancial StatementsPerformance exceedsmarketAnd continue to benefit fromepidemic situationDuring the period of home decoration and mask craze.


"This shows that people have had to turn to Etsy in the past yeardevelopment, they chooseRepurchaseMore times. To be frank, we think it is very remarkable,”Josh, Etsy CEO Silverman in Novemberexpress


InsiderIt is believed that,Although Amazon dominates the market, this technology giant is engaged in home decorationThe category did not gain an advantage,This could be a shopperwould rathersacrificeDelivery speedinstead ofSacrifice productsOne of the few product categories of quality.

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