Divide the cake! Kwai opens e-commerce functions to users in the US market


Author:Zheng Yang
Source: ennews

Recently, domesticShort video platform KwaiAmerican users have opened the e-commerce market function, and local businesses can carry out various types of services through the platform, including food distribution and hotel serviceson-lineDockingOfflineSales business of


Beijing basedKwai has beenFocus onDevelop itsElectronic CommercebusinessNow, it officially joinedHighly competitiveNative AmericaMarketThere are alreadyIncluding Meituan, ByteDancethose under one's commandTikTok andAlibabathose under one's commandStrong power including Alipayopponent.


It is understood that,Kwai expands itsU.S.ALocal businessmeasuresYes2021DecembershareAfter establishing cooperative relationship with Meituanintroductionof


according tocooperationProtocol, Kwai usersureadoptShort videoMeituan applet in the applicationTo useMeituan's servicesKwai at presentHas set foot in electricitysonBusiness, live broadcast and gamesEtcTo commercialize its user base.


Kwai is hereA statement on TuesdayMentioned in, exceptsaleIn addition to physical products, merchants can now also use Kwai online storesKwai ShopProvide for user salesVarious services.


since2022From January 15, provideIncluding food and beverage, hotels, health care, entertainmentFilm and traffic ticketingInternal15 kindscategoryThe service provider can apply forKwaiplatformOpen your own shop.


Have your own KwaiShop, businesses can manage their serviceslist, to facilitate the transaction, andgreatIt is possible toOnline user'sFocus turns to offlinePractical service andsaleachievement


At the same time,To attract merchantsSettle inKwai returnprovideHasIncentives. KwaiAspect representationWill register withofThe seller provides discounts, and a single store canenjoyRMB 1000 (USD 158)as well as50000 timesflowexposureopportunity


According to Xiao Bian,KFCHotpot chain Haidilao, Meituan Hotel reservation serviceMedical chain Aikang, etcBothstayKwaiOn platformThe earliestLaunch the brand of the store.


Zhu Yunbo, head of the Kwai department, saidTraditional in store group buying business modelGrowth rateIt is slowing down, and businesses urgently need new service models to attract users andStimulate consumption and drive sales growth.

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