Net profit exceeding 1 billion? This track is gaining popularity


Author:Wan Xuxu
Source: ennews

Recently, within the industryAboutTianjin Jiu'an Medical Electronics Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Jiu'an Medical")ofVarious messagesContinuously,Signed 8.1 billion large orders, with stock price up and down limitsoneOn the evening of June 19th, Jiuan Medical released its performance forecast for 2021. How will Jiuan Medical, known as the "demon stock", perform in 2021?


Jiuan Medical's performance skyrocketed, with a net profit of 1.2 billion in 2021


B2B's net profit exceeds 1 billion? This track is gaining popularity


During the reporting period, Jiuan Medical is expected to achieve a net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company of 900 million to 1.2 billion yuan in 2021, an increase of 271.40% -395.19% compared to the same period last year; The net profit after deducting non recurring gains and losses was 850 million to 115 million yuan, an increase of 243.46% -364.68% compared to the same period last year.


According to the 2020 annual report of Jiu'an Medical, the company achieved a net profit attributable to the parent company of only 242 million yuan in 2020, with a net profit deduction of approximately 247 million yuan.Prior to 2020, the company's net profit after deducting non income has been continuously losing for 7 years.amongtwo thousand and fifteenIn both 2017 and 2017, Jiu'an Medical suffered losses of 150 million yuan.


In the first three quarters of 2021, Jiuan Medical performed mediocrely, with both revenue and net profit showing a downward trendwrongThe net profit after the loss exceeded 20 million yuan, resulting inhisWhat are the reasons for the decline in performance? Due to the control of the domestic epidemic and the continuous supply of global epidemic prevention products, epidemic prevention products are no longer in shortage as before, and the gross profit margin of products has also declined.However, in November, after the company's COVID-19 testing products were authorized for emergency use in the United States, the company's performance also increased significantly in a short period of time.Jiu'an Medical Voucher OnlyquarterprofitIt's already exceededOver the past decadeSinceprofitTotal.


In the third quarter of 2021, the company's revenue was 221 million, a year-on-year decrease of 60.93%, and a net profit loss of approximately 4.649 million. Jiuan Medical stated that the main reason for the decrease in revenue was the decrease in overseas sales of epidemic prevention materials produced by the company.


Overall, Jiuan Medical successfully took to a new level in 2021, and its performance also soared, with its stock price rising about 10 times in just two months. But Jiuan Medical, like many companies that have performed well during the pandemic, faces a challenge: what is the path to take after the pandemic?


In fact, Jiuan Medical mentioned risks in its performance forecast. According to the announcement, the company's business performance in 2021 mainly depends on COVID-19 Test Reagent, and there is significant uncertainty whether the future performance can continue to maintain rapid growth.


Industry insiders have expressed that as a company primarily engaged in the production and sales of epidemic prevention products, they would like towantIf it continues for a long time, the importance of research and development capabilities is self-evident, in order to enhance one's own competitiveness.


In recent years, Jiu'an Medical hasR&D expensesLook,In 2018, it was 68.8638 million yuan, in 2019 it was 80.0345 million yuan, and in 2020 it was 76.5446 million yuan.Until the third quarter of 2021, its research and development expenses increased to 94.5266 million yuan.


The epidemic is like a "booster", and during this period, Jiuan Medical successfully sold its products overseas with its own strength. Some products sold well on the Amazon platform, which is one of the important reasons for the company's rapid performance.


It's so hot! The daily sales volume of the thermometer exceeds 10000 yuan


two thousand and twentyThe pandemic in affected the lives of everyone around the world. During the critical period of the epidemic, Jiuan Medical took advantage of the situation and began providing overseas services in March 2020 after receiving demand inquiries from Italy, France, the United States, and other placesFrontal thermometer, oximeterMedical products such as products.


At the same time as exporting products, the forehead thermometer products under Jiuan Medical have also received enthusiastic pursuit and praise from consumers on the Amazon platform. According to the financial report data of Jiu'an Medical, on July 8, 2020, the daily sales of thermometer products on the Amazon platform exceeded 20502 units.


After this battle, Jiuan Medical and its subsidiary brands were completely opened upIHealthThe popularity and reputation of the series of products have driven itsBlood oxygen meter, blood pressure meter, blood glucose meter, atomizer, oxygen generatorThe sales of our products continue to rise.


The increase in product sales has laid the groundwork for Jiu'an Medical to achieve good revenue in 2020. According to financial report data, Jiuan Medical's revenue exceeded 2 billion yuan in 2020, an increase of 184.36% compared to the same period in 2019; The net profit attributable to its parent company was 242 million yuan, an increase of 264.68% compared to the same period in 2019.


In terms of operating revenue, its iHealth series products accounted for the largest revenue, with a revenue of 1.418 billion yuan, accounting for 70.62%.


Jiuan Medical's revenue in 2020 was so significant that iHealth's forehead thermometer was essential for its success. According to relevant data, there have been a total of 130000 ratings for the link of the forehead temperature gun, and it has long dominated Amazon's BSR list.


The net profit of cross-border e-commerce platforms exceeds 1 billion? This track is gaining popularity


In addition, due to the increasing demand for telemedicine during the epidemic, Jiuan Medical's IoT products have,asThe sales of products such as blood pressure monitors, blood glucose meters, blood oxygen meters, and weight scales overseas are also increasing.


According to relevant media reports, as early as December 2020, Jiuan Medical applied for the export of a batch of blood pressure and blood glucose meter products through cross-border e-commerce B2B (enterprise to enterprise), and the cumulative value of these products reached163000 US dollars.


Not only that, but also due to the continuous growth of its revenue and orders, the stock price of Jiuan Medical has continued to soar. Based on data from the past two months, the stock price of Jiuan Medical has surged more than tenfold, with a closing price of 77.66 on January 20th.


In fact, not only Jiu'an Medical, but also many companies selling medical supplies have shone brightly and achieved remarkable results under the epidemic. It is understood that,Yingke Medical, which specializes in protective gloves, saw a net profit increase of over 20 times in 2020, and Kangtai Medical's net profit also exceeded 600 million yuan.


However, from the current situation, it is still uncertain whether Jiuan Medical's future business performance can continue to maintain a high-speed growth state. At present, Jiuan Medical's revenue mainly depends on the United States, where the progress of epidemic prevention and control in the United States, the selection of testing products, the competitiveness of the company's products, and sales channels will all have a significant impact on the company's performanceJiuan Medical has already mentioned this in the 2021 performance forecast.


For many sellers, the production, quality control, and platform sales of medical supplies are all very strict throughout the entire process. Therefore, there are relatively few sellers selling medical supplies on Amazon. However, it cannot be denied that medical supplies are also a major trend when countless sellers are spiraling in at low prices. Interested sellers can pay attention to them.

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