Check it out! Multiple sellers received an Amazon refund


Author:Jia Ruijie
Source: ennews

Since this week, many of Amazon's fee changes have come into effect, causing extensive roast from sellers. Moreover, yesterday some sellers received new insurance notification emails and found that the insurance fees on Amazon's backend have increased this week1000 yuan, and the insurance plan requires higher requirements.


Amidst a series of rising expenses, a seller finally received good news. Due to previous calculation errors, Amazon will compensate for last year'sHave you received the email to refund the incorrect charges from September to October?


Multiple sellers will receive a refund from Amazon


Yesterday, a seller posted an email stating that due to previous calculation errors, Amazon will now issue a refund to the seller:


B2B, check it out! Multiple sellers received an Amazon refund


Amazon notifies the relevant sellers in the email,Due to errors in calculating recommendation fees and shipping refundsThe fees charged to their seller account during the period from September 30 to October 11, 2021 are incorrect. Amazon will issue a total refund to the seller's account to correct this error.


Refunds can be found in the date range report in the seller center. The steps to generate a date range report are as follows:1. On Seller Central, go to 'Reports' and select' Payment '. 2. Select 'Date Range Report' and click 'Generate Report'. 3. In the 'Generate Date Range Report' pop-up menu, select Report Type: Transaction. 4. Select the report range: month or custom, as well as the specified date information.


Many sellers have expressed that they have also received emails. Sellers joke, is this the Spring Festival subsidy sent by Amazon? However, since the email is sent in groups, the estimated amount is not significant. Ant legs are also meat, especially after a series of cost increases, this refund can be said to be a bit of comfort.


As the Spring Festival approaches, the work of most cross-border e-commerce companies in China is about to come to an end, but Amazon is not considering these. stayIn 2021, many sellers were scratching their heads due to limited storage capacity and inability to ship goods.And this week, the restocking quantity of sellers has risen twice in a row,Amazon has increased its storage capacity again, and it has been on vacation twice a week. It's too speechless


After hearing this, the sellers checked the storage capacity and found that it had indeed increased again. But as the holiday approaches, some people have expressed that their pre holiday replenishment plan has been completed and they do not want to ship anymore. Even if they want to ship, they cannot find anyone to package them. However, they are worried about the reduction of storage capacity when they want to ship in the new year, and are very entangled. Can we build the year first and then send it out? Sellers have reminded us to pay attention to Amazon's new policies, as premature plans or cancellations may result in rejection of inventory.


On January 19th, Amazon's logistics shipment policy was updated, which mentioned that if a seller sends a cancelled or deleted shipment to Amazon, Amazon may reject it, and the seller's other shipping permissions may also be suspended.


Amazon suggests that sellers, in order to avoid shipment delays, should include information on the shipment and ensure that the quantity route is correct when creating a storage plan and shipping,Please communicate with your carrier to ensure that your shipment is delivered to the address on the Amazon logistics packaging box number label as soon as possible, no later than 30 days


The 30 day limit has sparked discussions among sellers: "It's not realistic, it usually takes more than 45 days


This week, Amazon announced several new policies, and some policies have also begun to take effect. In addition, some sellers will also face insurance requirements and rising costs.


Amazon Insurance has raised prices significantly, sellersFried Pot


Yesterday, many sellers discovered that Amazon's insurance prices have risen again, and the price increase has been significant.


A seller claimed to have received an email from Amazon asking them to purchase insurance within a month.When clicking on the insurance page of PICC to purchase, it was found that the insurance price has changed from the original one1280 yuan rose to 2280 yuan, and the price suddenly skyrocketed like a roller coaster ride.


Check out cross-border information! Multiple sellers received an Amazon refund


Subsequently, more sellers found that their insurance purchase pages had also increased in price,Originally, there were plans one and oneOption 2 is available for selection, but now only option 2 is available. Option 1 is no longer available, and the price for Option 2 is2280 yuan.


To summarize the collective questioning of the sellers' collective frying pan, we can use one seller's sentence:Has it risen so much, cutting leeks

before The price of 1280 has also been confirmed by many sellers, and many sellers who have bought insurance have stated that it was the same price before. A seller who just purchased insurance last Saturday also said they bought 1280, but fortunately they bought it a few days earlier.


Now sellers who have seen the price increase are not calm anymore. Some people have started consulting the online customer service of PICC to try to understand the situation, but they have been waiting for a long time but have not received a response from the customer service.


A self proclaimed Guangzhou PICC**The person in the seller group responded to this matter, and in response to the seller's questioning of the issue of insurance price increase, they stated:“This isMarsh and Shanghai People's Insurance Corporation,Anyway, our fees have all been reduced here,Previously, it was500 now 300. The price increase may be due toSales have increased, or the risk of selling something is high.


Regarding this, Yi Enjun contacted the staff of PICC to inquire about the change in insurance prices. As of the time of publication, the insurance company had not responded.


In addition to the price increase of personal insurance, some sellers have noticed that other channels for purchasing insurance have also seen some price increases.


It is understood that PICC is one of the several insurance companies listed by Amazon for sellers to choose from. Due to platform recommendations, many sellers will purchase through this channel. Nowadays, its prices have risen significantly, undoubtedly driving up the costs for sellers.


On the Amazon platform, there is a large base of sellers who need to purchase insurance.from2021Starting from September 1st,Achieved three consecutive months of sales on AmazonSellers worth $10000 must purchase product liability insurance, and with the official implementation of this regulation, sellers who meet the requirements are generally required to purchase insurance.


And in theIn October 2021, the range of Amazon sellers who purchased insurance expanded again, with some sellers having monthly sales of less than $10000 and also receiving Amazon's request to provide insurance certificates. Therefore, monthly sales of $10000 is not a mandatory indicator.


According to Amazon'scorrelationNotice: If there is no insurance, on the one hand, Amazon will seek compensation from the seller for the costs incurred in resolving the claim, and on the other hand, it may also restrict the seller from selling goods under specific categories until the account is suspended until the seller provides proof of insurance.


Over time, inAfter October 2021, sellers have also received emails from Amazon requesting insurance certificates. Because according to the email sent by Amazon earlier, the seller may be detained for payment if they do not receive the insurance certificate within 60 days; The insurance certificate cannot be verified within 90 days, and further sales on Amazon. com may be prohibited.


So, after receiving the email to purchase insurance, sellers usually complete the purchase within a specific time. With the expansion of the platform scale, many sellers seem to have accepted the reality of purchasing insurance.


However, as one of the insurance platforms for sellers to choose from on the Amazon platform, the sudden price increase by PICC has caused some sellers to feel disgusted but also puzzled:Will other insurance channels increase prices


PastIn 2021, due to the rise in various costs, Amazon sellers' profit margins have been severely squeezed. Everyone's voice is: Don't add more insurance!

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