Afternoon News | A suspect in the Alibaba female employee case has been arrested; Universal Studios Beijing will start trial operation in September


Source: iResearch

Introduction:A suspect in the Ali female employee case was arrested; Universal Studios Beijing will start trial operation in September

A suspect in the Alibaba female employee case was arrested

Recently, Huaiyin District Branch of Jinan Public Security Bureau submitted to our hospital for review and approval for arrest with suspect Zhang suspected of compulsory indecency and Wang suspected of compulsory indecency. After our court's review, suspect Zhang is suspected of compulsory indecency crime and is approved for arrest according to law; The case of suspect Wang Mouwen suspected of compulsory indecency is under review.

: - 0 Keep watching!

Haagen Dazs was fined 10000 yuan for impersonating chocolate with cocoa butter substitute

Recently, General Mills Trading (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., an affiliated company of Haagen Dazs, added an administrative penalty. The reason for the penalty was that Haagen Dazs said that the ingredients in the skin of some products all contained "chocolate skin", but in fact, it used the chocolate skin instead of cocoa butter. The punishment result of Shanghai Pudong New Area Municipal Supervision Bureau on him is to order him to stop publishing illegal informationadvertisementRMB 10000 will be fined.

: - 0 ten thousand yuan

The Jade Buddha Temple responded: I have not participated in the investment of hungry angel

according toDongfang.comRecently, someone on the Internet announced that the Jade Buddha Temple had once invested 100000 yuan in hungry people, which attracted everyone's attention. Today, the Jade Buddha Temple responded that the Jade Buddha Temple has never participated in any angel investment.

It is reported that in 2009, the Jade Buddha Temple, together with the Shanghai Charity Foundation, the Municipal Education Commission and the Youth League Municipal Committee, launched the Shanghai Charity Foundation's "Jade Buddha Temple Jueguan College Students Entrepreneurship Fund" project, which was funded by the venture fund in 2009. By 2020, the "Yufo Temple Juegun College Students Entrepreneurship Fund" has funded more than 200 entrepreneurial projects. The Jade Buddha Temple emphasizes that "I have never participated in any angel investment".

: - 0 Be careful when eating melons!

micro-blogOn line private customized hot search function, which can be filtered according to interest and crowd

Weibo has launched a private hot search function, which allows users to customize at the bottom of the hot search list. Users can customize their interests in the five categories of "entertainment stars", "social livelihood", "current political news", "film and television variety", and "emotional humor", and choose whether they are interested. In addition, users can also customize the hot search version by selecting gender, age, etc. The system will filter the hot search list according to the interest level of this type of people.

: - 0 Can you use this function?

Universal Beijing Resort will open for trial operation on September 1, only for invited guests

As the three-month internal stress test is drawing to a close, Universal Beijing Resort announced that it will officially open its trial operation on September 1. During the trial operation, UBR will strictly implement a number of operation and management measures in accordance with the relevant requirements of the government for epidemic prevention and control. Universal Studios Theme Park, Universal Studios City Avenue and two resort hotels - Universal Studios Hotel and Nuojin Resort are only open to invited guests, including some resort partners, as well as officialmarketSome fans selected in the promotion activity.

: - 0 Expect!

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