IResearch: The urban service platform will be further iterated to play a greater role in urban management


Author:Liu Guo, Zhang Min
Source: iResearch

Introduction:The construction of smart city has entered the comprehensive digital stage, and the smart city service platform has emerged as an application service based on the urban "operating system". Digital government service platforms and urban vertical public service platforms such as transportation and tourism are typical representatives of urban service platforms.

1、 Introduction

The construction of smart city has entered the comprehensive digital stage, and the smart city service platform has emerged as an application service based on the urban "operating system". Digital government service platforms and urban vertical public service platforms such as transportation and tourism are typical representatives of urban service platforms. At this stage, the urban service platform still pays more attention to construction than operation; Focus on the system and neglect the experience; Pay more attention to platform than application. In the future, various urban service platforms will show a trend of further integration, pay more attention to both construction and operation, and form data assets to feed the society.

2、 Industry overview

The smart city service platform is an application service based on the city's "operating system". Among them, the urban data and control layer is the core function of the smart city, and the communication and network layer and support system layer provide necessary support for the operation of the smart city. These three layers are the "operating system" of the smart city, on which are various urban application services. The urban application service platform starts to play an important role by connecting the urban living space with the application scenario as the unit.

According to the summary of iResearch, the urban service platform can be roughly divided into three stages according to different development models and construction contents. The first stage is mainly reflected in the government website and citizen card. The government website that can realize online display of government information and the citizen card that integrates multiple urban public services have become the early form of urban public service integration exploration. The second stage is mainly characterized by the vigorous promotion of government information, which is mainly driven by the country's openness to government information“internet+"Government affairs" and the Internetcloud computingbig dataSuch as the maturity of modern information technology. At present, the development of China's urban service platform has entered the third stage. In this stage, the urban digital infrastructure has been further improved, and "people" has gradually become the development center and leading force of the city. The urban service and governance model based on the urban service platform will become the focus of exploration.

Cross border e-commerce platform iResearch: further iteration of the urban service platform, and greater value in urban management

With the iteration of Internet technology and the improvement of urban digital infrastructure construction, urban service platforms have gradually developed into two typical models:

1) The digital government service platform belongs to the urban comprehensive public service platform, which is usually led by the government and local state-owned enterprises, mainly used to improve the urban public service and urban governance capacity, and is an important part of the digital government construction;

2) Urban vertical public service platforms usually extend around a certain public resource in the city to meet the needs of citizens in a single public service scenario. Common platforms include urban public transport platforms, urban tourism travel platforms, urban medical system platforms, etc.

Haihai iResearch: further iteration of the urban service platform, and greater value in urban management

The key of urban service platform: To create a digital urban living space, the key lies in the interconnection, intercommunication and sharing mechanism of urban data, making data a major resource element of the city.The urban service platform is a pool of urban data. Through the collection, exchange and sharing of data from various urban service platforms, a digital panorama of urban life will be built to help the efficient operation and precise governance of the city

Cross border information iResearch: further iteration of the urban service platform, and greater value in urban management

The city service platform will further enhance the city management ability and image in the future. In addition, the important role played by the urban service platform in the epidemic situation also further promoted the development of the platform. During the epidemic, cities that have deployed urban government service platforms have played an important role in the rapid control of the epidemic by rapidly launching health codes. In addition to the impact of the epidemic, users have further developed the habit of preferentially choosing government service platforms to complete online services, and users have also gained great convenience. Therefore, the urban service platform will further develop in the future, and urban managers will deeply explore the value of the urban service platform, constantly optimize the urban service platform, and achieve refined urban management and operation.

B2b iResearch: further iteration of the urban service platform, and greater value in urban management

3、 Ecological status and future trend of the industry

1. Key players in the industry:

The urban service platform involves many communication and Internet technology companies. Among them, city managers represented by local governments are the main drivers of urban public service platforms, playing a locomotive role in the healthy development of the platform; As the builder, large science and technology companies determine the basic service capacity of the urban service platform; Relevant operators are the guarantee for the continuous iteration of the urban platform to provide high-quality services; In addition, other third-party participants provide more flexible technology and service options for the service platform.

Cross border e-commerce logistics iResearch: further iteration of the urban service platform and greater value in urban management

2. Problems in the industry: At present, the overall urban service platform focuses on construction rather than operation; Focus on the system and neglect the experience; The current situation of heavy platform and light application.

Seagoing Information iResearch: further iteration of the urban service platform, and greater value in urban management

3. Future trends and solutions of the industry:

(1) In the future, the construction of platform data assets will be the focus, from data aggregation at the initial stage of platform construction to data assets feeding back the society. The protection and utilization of data in urban service platforms is the most important link in the development of future platforms. It is a long-term and continuous consideration for each platform to maximize the utility of mining data under the premise of effectively ensuring user privacy and fully apply it in urban management.

Cross border e-commerce logistics iResearch: further iteration of the urban service platform and greater value in urban management

(2) In addition, the urban service platforms will show a trend of further integration in the future. All kinds of urban government service platforms, as well as vertical public service platforms such as transportation and travel platforms and tourism platforms, will usher in a construction climax after the epidemic, and cities, even districts and counties have established urban service platforms or included them in future construction plans. In the future, the boundaries of various platforms will become more and more blurred. The government service platform will gradually provide urban services such as transportation and tourism, and the vertical public service platforms such as transportation and tourism will gradually integrate some government services.

Cross border sea going iResearch: further iteration of the urban service platform and greater value in urban management

(3) The future development trend of the urban service platform business model will shift most manufacturers from focusing on construction over operation to focusing on both. In the future, the operation link will play a more important role, and will also be paid more attention by manufacturers. Each factory will build its own ecosystem, and the construction and operation capabilities will be improved simultaneously.

Cross border information iResearch: further iteration of the urban service platform, and greater value in urban management

4、 Typical representatives of different types of urban service platforms

(1) Representatives of digital government service platform:

"I Shenzhen" APP is a typical urban service platform integrating "construction+operation", which is launched by Ping An Smart City. "I Shenzhen" is positioned as the unified government service APP of Shenzhen, a typical representative under the reform of "Internet plus government service" and "digital government", and has made important contributions to the government service and social governance of Shenzhen.

Unlike most platforms that focus on construction and light on operation, "i Shenzhen" first integrates leading blockchain, AI, big data and other technologies in platform construction, ensuring the perfection and stability of platform capabilities, and also providing a good technical basis for various business scenarios; Secondly, on this basis, "i Shenzhen" provides users with accurate services and personalized good experience, and feeds data back to urban governance by connecting the data of various departments of the Shenzhen government, making effective analysis of the data, depositing it into data assets, and combining the actual business scenarios of different users. At the same time, through professional operation promotion activities and press conferences, the platform can effectively reach more users to enjoy the good services of the platform, and further help the government to improve the coverage and effectiveness of urban management.

Cross border information iResearch: further iteration of the urban service platform, and greater value in urban management

"I Shenzhen" builds an intelligent mobile service platform for citizens based on smart technologies such as Ping An blockchain, AI and big data. Based on the above leading technologies, in September 2020, "i Shenzhen" launched a new government service mode of "second report second batch integration" on the basis of "second batch" and "second report". In October 2020, Shenzhen launched the "certificate free" government service. During the epidemic, the flexible and fast online related services of "iShenzhen" helped "epidemic prevention" and made positive contributions to the resumption of production in Shenzhen.

Cross border information iResearch: further iteration of the urban service platform, and greater value in urban management

(2) Representatives of vertical public service platform:

"Palm Mount Huangshan" is a typical representative of the urban tourism vertical service platform launched by Ping'an Smart City to provide the local with an overall solution for global tourism services.

"Handheld Huangshan" is positioned as a one-stop service platform of "global tourism+transportation destination", combining traditional offline business with cloud computing, big data, Internet of Things, artificial intelligence, 5G and other digital technology capabilities. Through the construction of tourist routes, scenic spot driving, shuttle bus, travel charterautomobileEight transportation services, such as leasing, realize the effective connection of transportation, form a coordinated transportation service system across the region, and at the same time, the online shopping mall, hotel reservation, scenic spot ticketing, tourism routes, parking fees and other functions, take the Internet of Vehicles as the carrier, realize the seamless connection of tourism transportation across the region, connect the core related parties of the tourism industry and various resource elements of local life services, build a "tourism+" ecosystem, and create a one-stop The whole process and end-to-end travel experience enables the innovation and integrated development of tourism formats across the region.

Cross border sea going iResearch: further iteration of the urban service platform and greater value in urban management

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