Afternoon News | Digital RMB App Launches and Experience Tide; Kentucky Fried Chicken blind box second-hand price soared 8 times; The 15th anniversary of the first generation iPhone


Author:Easy sailing
Source: iResearch

Introduction:Digital RMB App launches and brings a wave of experience; Kentucky Fried Chicken blind box second-hand price soared 8 times; The 15th anniversary of the first generation iPhone

Digital RMB App Launches on the Shelf, Bringing Experience Tide

Since the digital RMB (pilot version) app was launched on January 4, a wave of experience upsurge has been set off. As of January 9,HuaweiThe number of downloads of digital RMB (pilot version) apps in the application market has soared from "less than 10000 times" on the first day of launch to "more than 5.8 million times". Several other platforms said that after the launch of the digital RMB (pilot version) app, the average number of new users pushing digital RMB wallets increased by more than 10 times daily.

: - 0 Try updating.

Kentucky Fried Chicken Blind Box Second hand Price Rises 8 Times

The reason is that KFC recently launched a joint blind package with Bubble Mart. The package is mainly sold in the first tier and second tier cities, and there are only 36 seats in each store. Due to the unusual popularity of blind box collection in recent years, the package was looted once it was launched, and one box was hard to find. While scalpers and professional food substitutes have taken part in the battle, a huge "fried baby group" has also emerged. It is reported that on the second-hand platform, the price of this set of (6 sets of) blind box figurines is between 600 yuan and 800 yuan, and the price of hidden models is as high as 800 yuan/piece, 8 times higher than the original price.

: - 0 successfully "broke the circle"?

The 15th anniversary of the first generation iPhone

On January 9, US local time,AppleThe iPhone is celebrating its 15th anniversary. On January 9, 2007, Steve Jobs, co-founder of Apple, launched the first generation iPhone. At the Macworld Conference held in Moscone West, San Francisco, Jobs announced the birth of the iPhone. He declared it a "widescreen iPod with touch control", a "revolutionary mobile phone", and a "breakthroughinternetCommunication tools ".

: - 0 Wait for the next revolution.

Apple did not run away: drawings have been provided to Japanese suppliers in 2020

On January 10, according to the Nikkei News, in January 2020, a man who claimed to be an Apple component manager visited JapanautomobileSanden, the supplier, said that Apple wanted to make electric vehicles. He introduced the schematic diagram of electric vehicles and air conditioning components. Sanden is a well-known manufacturer of automotive air conditioning components. Apple and Sanden discussed the requirements for specific components. However, due to the impact of COVID-19, Sanden applied for debt restructuring in June 2020, so Apple Car negotiations were obviously blocked. Although the report did not mention the details of the negotiations between the two companies, it further confirmed that Apple is developing electric vehicles.

In November 2021, it was reported that Apple's automobile project was accelerating, with the goal of launching a fully autonomous electric vehicle. Apple aims to launch in 2025, but the project has suffered many setbacks in the past few years. Some important people have left, so the time is uncertain.

: - 0 support.

The new iPhone SE supporting 5G may be released in March or April this year

On January 9, according to Mark Gurman, a person who has been following Apple for a long time in foreign media, the first online event of Apple in 2022 may be held in a few short months, possibly in March or April. Gurman said that this conference will focus on the new iPhone SE, which is consistent with the prediction of another analyst, Guo Mingxuan. It is said that this iPhone SE will be visually similar to the current iPhone SE (based on the iPhone 8). The new device is mainly an internal upgrade, including new chips and 5G.

: - 0 Full of sense of technology!

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