Zhongke woodworking processing center cabinet door sliding door processing center automatic loading and unloading disc knife changing engraving machine


Category: Machinery industry

Commodity Address: Jinan, Shandong

Company name: Jinan Zhongke CNC Equipment Co., Ltd.

Product Details
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02 02 02 02 Zhongke CNC wardrobe cabinet CNC opener panel furniture automatic labeling automatic loading and unloading CNC unloading 02 consultation automatic labeling CNC opener hotline: 15550469468 Zhongke opener specific data as follows: electronic cutting saw can be stacked, suitable for engineering orders, large-scale opening, but if barcode labeling is required, only single sheet cutting, electronic cutting saw needs 2 people to operate at the same time The monthly salary of the opening master and the small worker is calculated at 5000+3000, and the single cutting board is calculated on the basis of 100 sheets per day, and the total labor cost is 2.7 yuan per board. Plate utilization rate. CNC opener milling cutter to open material, can be arbitrarily adjusted direction, with optimized discharge software developed by three grid CNC, combined order optimization layout utilization rate can reach more than 96%, 100 yuan per board, each board can save 8 yuan Electronic cutting saw and push table saw blade opening, must be sawed to the end, the overall plate utilization rate is low, and manual calculation of typesetting, high utilization rate 88% 02 When you contact me, please say I saw it on Welcome to My Ali https://offer.1688.com/offer/post/fill_product_info.htm02

Contact Information

Contacts:Zhou Wanpeng
Contact number:13361031829

Company Information

Company name:Jinan Zhongke CNC Equipment Co., Ltd.
Company address:Jinan, Shandong

Zhongke woodworking processing center cabinet door sliding door processing center automatic loading and unloading disc knife changing engraving machine product details

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