Shengcheng small 150m hydraulic well drilling machine household drilling rig diamond head drilling rig


Category: Machinery industry

Commodity Address: Ningjin Shengcheng Wind Power Equipment Co., Ltd.

Company name: Ningjin Shengcheng Wind Power Equipment Co., Ltd.

Product Details
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The price is for reference only. If you need to purchase, please consult customer service staff: 15066632135 (same number on WeChat) Use This product is suitable for farmland irrigation, industrial water, household water, precipitation wells. The structure and main technical performance are mainly composed of vacuum pump, hydraulic system, deceleration motor, reverse circulation water pump, gearbox, chassis frame, etc. Maintenance In order to enable the equipment to operate normally, give full play to its performance, reduce equipment wear, ensure the safety of equipment and construction workers, and avoid unnecessary losses. Rig maintenance meets the following requirements. 1. Visually inspect the oil pipes and joints for damage and oil leakage. 2. Visually inspect whether bolts, nuts, and pins are loose. 3. Visually inspect the internal and external slide rails of the drilling rig for wear, whether the lubrication is good, and apply butter in time. 4. Check whether the rig gearbox needs to be added or replaced. 5. Check if the fuel tank lacks oil or is added (46 #液压油)。 After 1 year or 1,600 hours of operation, color changes, turbidity and impurities appear, and the hydraulic oil is replaced. 6. Check whether the distribution box line is loose and aging, and repair and replace it in time. 7. Check the blockage of sludge at the suction port of the drill bit to clean up the sludge. 8. Check whether the drill pipe joint screw of the drill rig is worn or damaged, and repair or replace it in time. 9. Check the drill pipe screw for wear or damage, foreign matter, repair, replace and clean up. Is there any wear or lack of wear on the stopper of the drill pipe.

Contact Information

Contacts:Wang Hongfang
Contact number:15066632046

Company Information

Company name:Ningjin Shengcheng Wind Power Equipment Co., Ltd.
Company address:Ningjin Shengcheng Wind Power Equipment Co., Ltd.

Shengcheng small 150m hydraulic well drilling machine household drilling rig diamond head drilling rig product details

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