Clear Water Beach Oil Eliminator Light Yellow Clear Liquid Safe and Easy to Use Less


Category: Chemical energy

Commodity Address: No. 1 Taierzhuang Road, Dongying District, Dongying District, Dongying City, Shandong Province

Company name: Dongying Hande Petroleum Equipment Co., Ltd.

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Although oil extinguishing agents have the function of treating oil spills, they also have adverse effects, so you must pay attention to some places when using them. Below, Taiyou Materials will briefly talk about the matters you need to pay attention to when using oil preservatives. When treating oil spills on the water surface, the main function of oil extinguishing agents is to emulsify the oil slick on the surface of the water to form fine particles dispersed in the water to reduce the impact of oil pollution on the water body. However, the oil extinguishing agent itself is also a chemical, so it also has a certain degree of pollution on its own, so when treating oil pollution on the surface of the water, it is important to choose the oil extinguishing agent carefully. There are more than one type of oil extinguishing agent, and the ambient temperature at which various types of oil extinguishing agents can treat oil pollution is also different. Therefore, when choosing an oil extinguishing agent as a treatment agent, you must first understand the actual situation of the water surface, and choose the appropriate oil extinguishing agent according to the actual situation, so that after treatment, there will be no other effects. The use of unreasonable oil extinguishing agents will not only have a bad treatment effect, but will also cause secondary pollution, which must be avoided.

Contact Information

Contacts:Shi Kai Xuan
Contact number:13854661172

Company Information

Company name:Dongying Hande Petroleum Equipment Co., Ltd.
Company address:No. 1 Taierzhuang Road, Dongying District, Dongying District, Dongying City, Shandong Province

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