Multifunctional food suction machine spiral hose sand suction machine wheat corn hose feeding conveyor loader


Category: Machinery industry

Commodity Address: Jining, Shandong

Company name: Jining Runlin Machinery Equipment Co., Ltd.

Product Details
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Multifunctional food suction machine spiral hose sand suction machine wheat corn hose feeding conveyor loading machine wheat loading grain suction machine hose shaftless spiral grain suction machine car portable food suction machine-hose grain suction machine, on the original basis of the spiral sheet thickened, not easy to break, nose head and tail adopts spray molding process, motor changed to skateboard process, easy to disassemble, save time and labor, easy to fix, hose Cold resistant tube, continuous grip, long life, machine tail Conical design makes it easy to insert the grain pile

Contact Information

Contacts:Li Yuanhong
Contact number:15106775931

Company Information

Company name:Jining Runlin Machinery Equipment Co., Ltd.
Company address:Jining, Shandong

Multifunctional food suction machine spiral hose sand suction machine wheat corn hose feeding conveyor loader product details

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