Spot diethylene glycol ether acetate DCAC Yida original diethylene glycol ether acetate


Category: Chemical energy

Commodity Address: Shandong Chenyu Chemical Co., Ltd

Company name: Shandong Chenyu Chemical Co., Ltd

Product Details
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Diethylene glycol ether acetate, due to its high boiling point, high flash point, low volatilization rate and microtoxicity, is used in paint, coating and printing ink formulations to prolong the drying speed to obtain a high-gloss surface.

Contact Information

Contacts:Wang Fei
Contact number:13645411518

Company Information

Company name:Shandong Chenyu Chemical Co., Ltd
Company address:Shandong Chenyu Chemical Co., Ltd

Spot diethylene glycol ether acetate DCAC Yida original diethylene glycol ether acetate product details

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