Trackless universal crane winch lifting gantry crane rotating gantry


Category: Machinery industry

Commodity Address: Taian, Shandong

Company name: Taian Runde Hoisting Machinery Co., Ltd

Product Details
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Trackless universal crane winch lifting gantry crane rotating gantry multifunctional trackless crane has reformed the principle and structure of the traditional gantry crane, abolished the track relied on by the crane, and changed to directly drive the polyurethane wheel or tire to drive the crane to operate, and its operation is stable, reliable, and relatively easy to install and maintain. 02 After the use of trackless cranes, there are no strict requirements on the ground, which does not hinder the passage of vehicles, and the ground utilization rate is improved. 5. Control system and safety protection control system control circuit, remote control device, safety protection system, etc. 5. Control system and safety protection control system control circuit, remote control device, safety protection system, etc. 020202 gantry is used in conjunction with electric hoists or chain hoists. The lifting methods are chain hoists, electric hoists, and the walking methods are manual walking and electric walking, which can be selected. The chain hoist gantry can be used in places where there is no power supply, realizing the mechanization of lifting, and reducing the heavy manual labor of workers.

Contact Information

Contacts:Liu Guangzong
Contact number:13562862226

Company Information

Company name:Taian Runde Hoisting Machinery Co., Ltd
Company address:Taian, Shandong

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