Four seasons tree-shaped honeysuckle seedlings 38cm seedlings yellow white red honeysuckle dead seedlings replacement


Category: Food Agriculture

Commodity Address: Pingyi County Jianhui Honeysuckle Co., Ltd.

Company name: Pingyi County Jianhui Honeysuckle Co., Ltd.

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[Variety introduction] Four seasons honeysuckle is currently one of the varieties of honeysuckle in China. It is easy to manage, easy to harvest, high yield, tree life up to 40 years, can be planted on flatlands and hillsides, honeysuckle is drought resistant, cold resistant, wind and sand resistant, saline and alkali resistant, barren and thin, strong stress resistance. Honeysuckle planted 500 plants per mu, planted back then Effectively, it entered the peak period in 3 years, and the mu yield reached more than 150 kg, and opened 4 a year By 5 stubble flowers, the benefit of mu reaches more than 15,000 yuan. [Advantages of honeysuckle in all seasons] 1. A single plant stands upright into a tree shape, changing the characteristics of ordinary varieties of vines creeping on the ground. It is easy to manage, easy to harvest, high yield and fast results. Planted that year, bloomed that year, bloomed that year, bloomed at least 45 stubble a year, single plant, stout seedlings, and a lifespan of 40 years. 2. It has wide adaptability, strong stress resistance, and well-developed roots. It can be planted in mountainous areas, hills, plains, embankments, and in front of and behind houses. The requirements for soil and climate are not strict, and basically all parts of the country can adapt. 3. Large buds, stable yield: four seasons tree-shaped honeysuckle morphologically compared with traditional varieties, cultivates traditional vines into small tree-shaped trees, few long branches, most nude shoots are also short flower branches, large water and fat are not long branches; short internodes, most bloom from the first section, grow fast, and the yield is twice that of traditional varieties. Active ingredients such as chlorogenic acid content in flower buds have been greatly increased. You only need 500 seedlings per mu to plant. The flowering period is from around May 1st to the 11th National Day of the Gregorian calendar every year. Up to four to five months. In that year, it could produce 30-40 kg of dried flowers per mu, 50-100 kg in the second year, and 150 kg of dried flowers per mu in the third year. 68 4. Fast growth and wide use: the four-season tree-shaped honeysuckle is a winter tolerant family and has a long growth period (March-October every year). The flowering period dormant for a short period of time, evergreen leaves no fall all year round, and grows faster, and becomes a tree shape when planted back then. It is widely used in pharmaceutical development, cosmetics, beverages and other markets, and the market prospects for greening landscape trees and basin landscape viewing are huge. [Cultivation Technology] It can be planted every year in spring February-June and autumn September-December. Before planting, dig a hole with a distance of 0.8 meters and a row distance of 1.2 meters. The hole depth is 30-50 cm, and the diameter is 30 cm. A layer of bottom fertilizer is laid inside the hole and covered with a layer of fine soil, 1 plant is planted in each hole. After covering the soil, it is properly pressed and watered. If the weather is light, rainy and arid, you can water it a few more times until new shoots appear. [Seedling price] Honeysuckle seedlings start at 0.6 yuan for 500 seedlings a year, 1.5 yuan* 400 seedlings for two years!! [Packaging Instructions] When a large number of seedlings come out of the nursery at the same time as seedlings are transported, carefully check the amount of seedlings excavated before shipment. Damaged seedlings that do not meet the requirements should be eliminated and the number of seedlings should be replenished. Straw bags and other objects should be placed inside the car box first to prevent the vehicle board from wearing out the seedlings. When transporting seedlings for short distances, it is best not to stop halfway; when transporting seedlings over long distances, bare roots are easy to dry. Care should be taken to sprinkle water, and add Happy Forest anti-transpiration agent to the water to close the plant pores unevenly and reduce moisture evaporation.

Contact Information

Contacts:Li Jian
Contact number:13791516498

Company Information

Company name:Pingyi County Jianhui Honeysuckle Co., Ltd.
Company address:Pingyi County Jianhui Honeysuckle Co., Ltd.

Four seasons tree-shaped honeysuckle seedlings 38cm seedlings yellow white red honeysuckle dead seedlings replacement product details

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