Lutong Shandong Boxing manufacturers rent and sell 278 municipal fast fight fence board road construction fast fight fence


Category: Building materials and home decoration

Commodity Address: Boxing County, Binzhou City, Shandong Province, China Shawan Village, Dianzi Town, Boxing County, Shandong, China

Company name: Shandong Lutong Enclosure Traffic Facilities Co., Ltd.

Product Details
Contact us

Municipal High Speed Rail Bridge Highway Highway Special Caigang Fence 02 Shandong Lutong Fence Transportation Facilities Co., Ltd. Union 02 Series 0202 Person: Li Peipei (Business Manager of Business Department) 0202 02020202 Address: Xingfu International Steel Trade City, Shandong, China 02 Company Homepage: https://shop25i10581n6873./?spm=a261y.7663282.autotrace-topNav.1.36a570b0sqXsZ0

Contact Information

Contacts:Lee Pui Pui
Contact number:15336491920

Company Information

Company name:Shandong Lutong Enclosure Traffic Facilities Co., Ltd.
Company address:Boxing County, Binzhou City, Shandong Province, China Shawan Village, Dianzi Town, Boxing County, Shandong, China

Lutong Shandong Boxing manufacturers rent and sell 278 municipal fast fight fence board road construction fast fight fence product details

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