Colored asphalt Hengda road construction manufacturer produces red color changing pavement asphalt cold supplement


Category: Chemical energy

Commodity Address: Dezhou, Shandong

Company name: Shandong Hengda New Material Technology Co., Ltd

Product Details
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Color restoration of colored asphalt pavement, color change and beautification of pavement surfaces such as cement, asphalt concrete roads and various sidewalks. Compared with color non-slip paving, the construction process is simple, the cost is low, the sealing color is more beautiful, bright and durable, the adhesion to the original surface layer is better, and the weather resistance, strength and wear resistance are better. Its main component is a polymer inorganic composite, which is superior to the common epoxy resin series in terms of toughness, weather resistance, adhesion and plasticity

Contact Information

Contacts:Manager Feng
Contact number:18753405888

Company Information

Company name:Shandong Hengda New Material Technology Co., Ltd
Company address:Dezhou, Shandong

Colored asphalt Hengda road construction manufacturer produces red color changing pavement asphalt cold supplement product details

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