SY17-6 crawler mini excavator mini mini excavator mass sale spot straight hair


Category: Machinery industry

Commodity Address: Shandong De Heavy Machinery Co., Ltd.

Company name: Shandong De Heavy Machinery Co., Ltd.

Product Details
Contact us

The price, parameters, pictures and other information of this product are for reference only, specific prices, parameters and other matters, please consult Manager Liu: Small excavator structure: the new excavator is composed of excavation mechanism, drive chassis, power output, hydraulic and circuit several major plates, divided into wheeled chassis and crawler chassis two power aspects, mainly equipped with a four-cylinder 490 engine, engine reserve power is easy to maintain, energy saving, sufficient power 30% It can be dug normally inside the throttle. Can also be customized with optional 026 function features compact body, flexible and convenient, energy saving. The coherent compound action is one drag two as a handle, and the introduction is easy to make. The excavator adopts an ultra-low design, good passability and a stable center of gravity. Equipped with auxiliary oil circuit, practical aids can be upgraded to achieve true multi-purpose functions in one machine. Economical and practical maintenance, simple and good maintenance, 98

Contact Information

Contacts:Manager Xu
Contact number:13385375033

Company Information

Company name:Shandong De Heavy Machinery Co., Ltd.
Company address:Shandong De Heavy Machinery Co., Ltd.

SY17-6 crawler mini excavator mini mini excavator mass sale spot straight hair product details

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