Large cotton ball hawthorn seedlings retail sweet mouth hawthorn seedlings are now being dug up for sale


Category: Food Agriculture

Commodity Address: Xujiaguan Zhuang Village, Beijipo Office, Taian High-tech Zone, Shandong Province

Company name: Taian Runchen Agricultural Technology Co., Ltd.

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Large cotton ball hawthorn seedlings retail sweet hawthorn seedlings are now being dug up and sold Hawthorn planting period: spring, autumn and summer can be planted. Autumn planting is carried out after the fall leaves fall and before the soil freezes. The planting period is long in late autumn and early winter. At this time, seedlings store a lot of nutrients, and the damaged roots are easy to heal. After the spring is thawed, it can absorb moisture and nutrients for seedling growth needs. The planting survival rate is high. First, mix part of the topsoil dug up in the planting pit with fertilizer evenly, fill the other part of the topsoil into the pit, and step on it while filling it. When it is almost half filled, fill in the topsoil mixed with fertilizer. Then, place the hawthorn seedlings in the center to stretch their roots, and continue to fill in the remaining sheets. At the same time, gently lift the seedlings so that the roots are in close contact with the soil, and step on them with their feet. After the topsoil is exhausted, fill in the soil. Seedlings are planted in such a way that the root neck is slightly higher than the ground. Avoid watering after planting, and planting too deep due to sinking seedlings. After planting, cultivate soil grits around the seedlings, water, and seal the soil after water seeps to keep it healthy. In windy areas in spring, prevent seedlings from being shaken by the wind to ventilate the roots. Soil 30 cm high can be cultivated at the root neck. 1: Abandon the traditional planting model, no longer follow the fertilization method of 'one bombard', and increase the amount of farm fertilizer used (low cost) top dressing (fertilizer) in batches according to the needs of fruit trees, so as to reduce the adverse consequences caused by the high fertility in the early stages of one-time top dressing and the lack of fertilizer for fruit trees in the later stages. 2. Control the yield of fruit trees and complete the transformation from quantity to quality. From the previous five or six kilos of mixed fruit, it was controlled at about four kilograms of fine fruit. The Big Noodle, Big Venus, and Big Five Fruit are controlled at around 30. 3: In order to achieve the goal of producing fine fruit, it is necessary to strengthen the transformation of the tree body (trunk evacuation trip) to solve the lighting problem first according to the pruning method of removing the cap, opening the window, and removing it. For large trees above 4 meters, the top should shrink and shrink year by year. There is no hesitation in removing some crossings and parallel branches. The left side branches, or the resulting branch groups should be retracted and updated appropriately in a planned and purposeful manner. The purpose of the result part being close to the trunk has been achieved to prevent the result part from moving out 4. The result amount of the result group is based on the pruning method of leaving three to two, that is, a result branch group has five buds with three results, and two are cut off. (Use later in the coming year) to prevent hawthorn from being big and small, and achieve the purpose of abundant annual yields. (especially large Venus) 02

Contact Information

Contacts:Zhou Changbin
Contact number:15165380801

Company Information

Company name:Taian Runchen Agricultural Technology Co., Ltd.
Company address:Xujiaguan Zhuang Village, Beijipo Office, Taian High-tech Zone, Shandong Province

Large cotton ball hawthorn seedlings retail sweet mouth hawthorn seedlings are now being dug up for sale product details

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