Road tartar S-type Wulian gray road tartar sesame black roadside stone solid manufacturer


Category: Building materials and home decoration

Commodity Address: Stone industrial park

Company name: Wulian County Qifa Stone Industry Co., Ltd.

Product Details
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Sharing the recycling method of road tartar S-type waste. China's stone mining technology does not meet the standard, resulting in the poor utilization rate of many stones in the mining process, resulting in a lot of waste. On the contrary, although the utilization rate of road tartar S type is not high, it generates less waste. Let's see what methods can solve the waste problem of road tartar type S: 1. Appropriate cement, curing agent, and small stones can be added to the kerbstone S type stone waste by stirring and pressing the embryo to make a baffle or wall. 2. It can be used as a filling material for cement production and road construction. 3. Adding 5%-10% stone powder to domestic coal can effectively save coal. 4. Adding stone powder to the electrode can act as a slag to prevent oxygen and nitrogen from entering the melting pool and arc.

Contact Information

Contacts:Mr. Qi
Contact number:13963309686

Company Information

Company name:Wulian County Qifa Stone Industry Co., Ltd.
Company address:Stone industrial park

Road tartar S-type Wulian gray road tartar sesame black roadside stone solid manufacturer product details

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