Imitation handmade cake machine equipment automatic single cake machine multi-function water baking machine affordable


Category: Machinery industry

Commodity Address: Yuqiaofu Industrial Park, Chuangye Avenue, Qufu City, Jining City, Shandong Province, China

Company name: Shandong Zhongsheng Yuanhe Machinery Co., Ltd.

Product Details
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Imitation handmade cake machine equipment automatic single cake machine multi-function water baking machine affordable 020202020202 02 The efficient automatic single cake machine can produce 900-1200 pieces of finished bread per hour; the production employs few people, only 1 person, effectively reducing labor costs. The temperature control system and time control system have been further upgraded, and the infrared induction control system is adopted. The machine can produce bran, roast duck, pancakes, pancakes and pancakes. , -Thousand Fishing Shop

Contact Information

Contacts:Manager Chen
Contact number:18678712228

Company Information

Company name:Shandong Zhongsheng Yuanhe Machinery Co., Ltd.
Company address:Yuqiaofu Industrial Park, Chuangye Avenue, Qufu City, Jining City, Shandong Province, China

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