95 wheeled wood grabber 8-ton wheeled excavator clamping machine with a loading and unloading weight of 1000 kg can clip scrap iron


Category: Machinery industry

Commodity Address: Dezhou, Shandong

Company name: Dezhou Baoding Hydraulic Machinery Co., Ltd

Product Details
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Order a gold car, pay the balance of the car, and consult with Manager Guo of Baoding manufacturer for specific and transaction matters.

Contact Information

Contacts:Guo Pingping
Contact number:15005342892

Company Information

Company name:Dezhou Baoding Hydraulic Machinery Co., Ltd
Company address:Dezhou, Shandong

95 wheeled wood grabber 8-ton wheeled excavator clamping machine with a loading and unloading weight of 1000 kg can clip scrap iron product details

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