Sale of M-type computer full CNC combined twisting rope making machine merger twisting rope twisting machine


Category: Machinery industry

Commodity Address: Luwang Yuanjia Village, Shahe Town, Laizhou City, Yantai City, Shandong Province

Company name: Laizhou Kaihui Machinery Co., Ltd

Product Details
Contact us

0202 The list price of this product is the reference price. The specific price is subject to the actual specifications and configuration. Please negotiate with the sales staff to determine it. Direct shooting without contact does not support shipping! 02 02 Our company provides professional pre-sales and after-sales, and provides a full range of technical support for your investment and production. Welcome to consult and purchase, Tel: 15064587789

Contact Information

Contacts:Hara Keikichi
Contact number:15305350231

Company Information

Company name:Laizhou Kaihui Machinery Co., Ltd
Company address:Luwang Yuanjia Village, Shahe Town, Laizhou City, Yantai City, Shandong Province

Sale of M-type computer full CNC combined twisting rope making machine merger twisting rope twisting machine product details

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