Mini Hawthorn Crisp No Additive Hawthorn Crisp Factory Fairy Hawthorn Comes Hawthorn Crisp Factory


Category: Food Agriculture

Commodity Address: Wangfen Jinjia Industrial Park, Qingzhou, Shandong

Company name: Qingzhou Hexing Food Co., Ltd.

Product Details
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Qingzhou Hexing Food Co., Ltd. specializes in: persimmons, hawthorn cakes, dried taro. I believe many people have read “Sang Song and Song · Jiangnan Song” by the poet Li He. Among them is the phrase “Jiangtou hawthorn is fragrant, butterflies fly on the shore.” Here, hawthorn refers to hawthorn, and the aroma of hawthorn is naturally the scent of hawthorn. I believe everyone has eaten hawthorn. After all, rock sugar gourds are hawthorn wrapped in sugar. They are sweet and sour, and are loved by children. Although the vast majority of people have eaten it, they don't know exactly what hawthorn is. For example, many people don't know that hawthorn is a fruit. Many people only know that hawthorn is delicious. What is hawthorn? Hawthorn is a fruit of the genus Hawthorn of the Rosaceae family. Hawthorn can be as high as six meters, widely distributed in Shanxi, Henan, Liaoning, Heilongjiang, Hebei and other regions. It is a stone fruit, its core is very hard, the pulp is slightly sweet, sour, and is often eaten by people, but it can also be made into various foods, such as hawthorn slices. Hawthorn is a specialty of China and is widely distributed in China. Hawthorn fruit is not only delicious, but also has health benefits. Hawthorn is rich in many vitamins, such as Vc, Vp, VB Baidu 1, VB2 and VE. Among them, Vc is rich and ranks first among many fruits. Regular consumption can nourish beauty. Hawthorn is a specialty of China and is widely distributed in China. Hawthorn fruit is not only delicious, but also has health benefits. Hawthorn is rich in many vitamins, such as Vc, Vp, VB Baidu 1, VB2 and VE. Among them, Vc is rich and ranks first among many fruits, and regular consumption can nourish beauty. In addition to hawthorn snacks in cakes, there are also long bars of hawthorn snacks - hawthorn strips. This hawthorn strip is different from the previous hawthorn snacks. The hawthorn snacks in front are all made with hawthorn as the main ingredient, while the hawthorn strips add hawthorn, tangerine peel, yam and brown sugar. First, they have a rich taste, and secondly, they sell well. However, it is made in the same way as hawthorn slices. It is only flavored with brown sugar, which is sweeter than hawthorn slices, and is suitable for people who like sweets to eat. Hawthorn can be used both in medicine and as a snack, and can be said to be a good food for everything.

Contact Information

Contacts:Manager Zhang
Contact number:15621722306

Company Information

Company name:Qingzhou Hexing Food Co., Ltd.
Company address:Wangfen Jinjia Industrial Park, Qingzhou, Shandong

Mini Hawthorn Crisp No Additive Hawthorn Crisp Factory Fairy Hawthorn Comes Hawthorn Crisp Factory product details

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