Shandong desktop encryption software Huatu encryption Jinan Heli agent 0531-68960327


Category: Electronic components

Commodity Address: Jinan Heli Network Technology Co., Ltd.

Company name: Jinan Heli Network Technology Co., Ltd.

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Intelligent Document Encryption System [DES] In recent years, various data breaches have been frequent and are on the rise, causing huge economic losses to various organizations. According to the survey, 97% of the incidents where Internet access units caused significant losses due to important internal secrets being leaked through the Internet were caused by internal employees intentionally or unintentionally leaking them. In the face of security threats originating from within the enterprise, Huatu Document Intelligent Encryption System has emerged based on the need to prevent external intrusion and theft and internal unintentional leakage. Data Encryption System (VamToo-DES for short) is a general document security management software independently developed by Huatu Information. It uses transparent encryption technology as the core, uses 256-bit high-strength encryption algorithm to encrypt real-time, and integrates various cutting-edge technologies such as dynamic transparent encryption technology, identity authentication technology, hardware binding technology, etc. Control the permissions of users to read, store, copy, and output documents, so as to prevent illegal copying, external distribution, and CD-ROM copying between users. While effectively preventing leakage of enterprise core information assets, it does not affect users' working habits and business efficiency. Functions/Effects Intelligent Transparent Encryption uses encryption technology that combines the application layer and the driver layer. It integrates the security of the application layer and the stability of the driver layer to achieve intelligent and transparent encryption of any document without changing the user's usage habits. Document security domain management According to the scope of document circulation, document domain management ensures that files are used within a specific scope and prevents leakage of core data information. The custom approval process supports various customized approval processes such as multi-business, multi-level, designated agent reviewer, non-signatory, etc., to ensure that the approval mechanism is practical, efficient and convenient. The system log audit system provides complete log management. It can perform detailed log audit of all operations of all encrypted documents, and provides query, export, backup, and data reporting support for audit logs. The authentication integration system supports seamless integration with the unified authentication platform based on Ldap and OpenLDAP protocols to achieve automatic and complete synchronization of organizational structure and account information. Differentiated anti-screenshot control prevents all screencasting software currently on the market from screencasting and data leakage by clients via screenshots. Protects confidential content from being leaked by screenshots, and non-confidential content can be screened normally. Even if a confidential document with a floating watermark on the window is leaked by a photo, it also contains information such as copyright information, photo time, terminal information, and user information. File print snapshot supports file snapshot upload when printing, preventing users from printing by disguising the file name when printing, and avoiding auditing. Client self-protection provides client installation directory protection and process protection, monitors client status online in real time, and prevents users from performing illegal operations after uninstalling the client. By registering and managing mobile media, mobile media control ensures that untrusted mobile media cannot enter, trusted mobile media cannot be removed, and that trusted mobile media data cannot be read illegally obtained, and the core data security of enterprises and institutions is guaranteed in all aspects. Offline office support fully takes into account various factors such as business trips, etc., and can meet various offline office needs through strategy presets and offline stoppage functions. System integration expansion can be integrated with Huatu document security gateway, data security middleware and other systems to achieve security integration of enterprise application systems and security protection of core data loading and unloading. Automatic updates support client modules to automatically issue updates, reducing the workload of enterprise management, operation and maintenance. Product advantages/features Encryption is safe and reliable 1. Encryption algorithm: It also supports the national secret SM4 algorithm and the international AES algorithm, and the password strength is guaranteed. 2. Encryption and decryption technology: Combining the driver layer and application layer technology, taking into account the advantages of pure driver layer or application layer encryption, can effectively avoid the blue screen of death. 3. Prevent cracking, prevent illegal injection, and prevent obtaining clear text through technical means. Multiple encryption modes support transparent encryption, translucent encryption, and intelligent encryption modes to meet the core data encryption requirements of different scenarios, and ensure core data security without affecting business efficiency. Transparent encryption Zero-aware can transparently encrypt all files generated by controlled programs without any other redundant operations. The entire encryption process does not affect the application interface of the cryptographic client, and does not change the user's original operating habits. Detailed log audit records all user operations on all encrypted documents, provides detailed logs of printing, decryption, authorization, etc., and provides log query, import and export, and data reporting functions to ensure traceability of events. The flexible approval system supports custom approval processes for multiple business types, such as decryption, outgoing, email, offline, etc. At the same time, you can customize the approval process according to your own circumstances to ensure that the approval process meets your business needs. Humanized screenshot control is based on the concept of humanization. Controlled programs cannot take screenshots, and non-controlled programs take screenshots normally, so as to ensure the normal development of non-core confidential business. The window floating watermark control displays the floating watermark information based on the controlled program window. The non-controlled program window does not display the floating watermark information, and the friendly watermark display mode allows normal inspection of non-confidential documents without affecting viewing. The convenient deployment scheme adopts a C/S and B/S hybrid system architecture. You can log in to the system management platform through a browser, and remotely manage user permissions and other operations.

Contact Information

Contacts:Tang Yun Jing
Contact number:15688886022

Company Information

Company name:Jinan Heli Network Technology Co., Ltd.
Company address:Jinan Heli Network Technology Co., Ltd.

Shandong desktop encryption software Huatu encryption Jinan Heli agent 0531-68960327 product details

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