Sodium silicate bubble flower alkali water glass curing agent binder Shandong Weiduofeng instant sodium silicate


Category: Chemical energy

Commodity Address: No. 274, Houwang Village, Jiyang District, Jinan City, Shandong Province

Company name: Shandong Wei Duofeng Biotechnology Co., Ltd

Product Details
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Commonly known as bubble flower 02 [1] 0202 alkali, is a water-soluble silicate. Its aqueous solution, commonly known as water glass, is a mineral binder. Strong adhesion, high strength, good acid resistance and heat resistance. Uses Analytical reagents, fire retardants, adhesives. The use of water glass A, the surface of the painted material to improve its weathering resistance. Impregnating or painting porous materials such as clay brick, cement concrete, silicate concrete, stone and other porous materials with a density of 1.35g/cm06 can improve the compactness, strength, impermeability, frost resistance and water resistance of the material. B. The reinforced soil alternately presses water glass and calcium chloride solution into the soil. The resulting silicate gel solidifies the soil in a humid environment due to the expansion state of absorbing the moisture in the soil. C. Formulate quick-setting waterproofing agent. D. Repair brick wall cracks After mixing water glass, granulated blast furnace slag powder, sand and sodium fluorosilicate in an appropriate proportion, directly pressed into the brick wall crack, which can play a bonding and reinforcing role. E. Sodium silicate aqueous solution can be used as the outer surface of the fire door. F. It can be used to make acid-resistant cement for the lining of furnace cellars. Physicochemical properties G, preparation of silica gel

Contact Information

Contacts:Zhang Qingfen
Contact number:15953177453

Company Information

Company name:Shandong Wei Duofeng Biotechnology Co., Ltd
Company address:No. 274, Houwang Village, Jiyang District, Jinan City, Shandong Province

Sodium silicate bubble flower alkali water glass curing agent binder Shandong Weiduofeng instant sodium silicate product details

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